Hello guys.. Thanks for sharing your info.. I know that if I got my residence and ID I have no choice, I have to work with my current sponsor for 2 years.. but if I take an action now, I can avoid the 2 years and work with the new sponsor... Also, the Passports and Expatriates Affairs department has an option to change the old sponsor to a new one before the residency is issued and the fees for this process are 300 Qatari Riyals.. But I need to make sure that it is exactly means that..
Hello guys.. Thanks for sharing your info.. I know that if I got my residence and ID I have no choice, I have to work with my current sponsor for 2 years.. but if I take an action now, I can avoid the 2 years and work with the new sponsor... Also, the Passports and Expatriates Affairs department has an option to change the old sponsor to a new one before the residency is issued and the fees for this process are 300 Qatari Riyals.. But I need to make sure that it is exactly means that..