@Blackbird4 First of all, you've gotta have an activated Hukoomi account. If you have, good for you. If you don't have, then you need to register first. Here's the process:
1. Go to Hukoomi website http://portal.www.gov.qa/wps/portal/homepage
2. Click register
3. Input you Qatar ID number, mobile#, email and all related personal infos.
4. They will send you an email stating that you need to go to post office to activate you account.
5. That's it!You have an activated Hukoom account. Your log-in is you QID no. and make sure you remember your password.

Now, in order for you to find the MMUP listed univisties, all you have to do is to follow the step by step procedure from the word doc (MMUP process to upload.docx) given by rambo31. What is you email? I can forward it you if you want.

I'm just wondering if I can just upload all my documents on their website without having to physically go into their office. Anyone have this experienced before???