Dear acchabaccha,

For centuries, every country wanted to eliminate its enemy by one way or other. Most of your points are correct on the part that West & East Pakistan would have become nightmare for India, so India had to break Pakistan but as all countries which are in this situation have counter-action plan, with different Ministry Of Interior department to foresee and curtail plans of enemy country, but dominion of Pakistan had none. It simply played in the hand of India by not giving power to East Pakistan leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who had won land slide victory and top it had declared that "Urdu, and only Urdu" would be the federal language of Pakistan. The Bengali-speaking people of United Pakistan constituted over 50% of the country's population wherein even toady West Pakistan has only 7.59% Urdu native speakers.

Although East Pakistan had a larger population, West Pakistan dominated the divided country politically and received more money from the common budget.

Bengalis were under-represented in the Pakistan military. Officers of Bengali origin in the different wings of the armed forces made up just 5% of overall force by 1965, of these, only a few were in command positions and you should not forget the response to the 1970 cyclone by the people of power sitting in west Pakistan.

The initial resistance to Operation Searchlight (March 26, 1971) launched by West Pakistan on East Pakistan was given Bengali nationalist only. India openly came in picture May 25, 1971 therefore what started at civil war escalated into international war. Always your enemy try to take advantage of your weakness, it up-to you how you cover your weakness.

It is high time that West Pakistan stop the blame game and do introspection of loosing to East Pakistan.