I have listen news and experts talking about this issues last couple of days. Most of the time the experts from both corners points in this fashion,

Side A :
Says, The side B killed 5 People
Side B :
Say’s, The side A blast 10 Bombs

Side A :
Says, The side B destroyed the Houses

Side B :
Says, The side A destroyed the roads

It, continues…

How the expert should talk,

Side A:
We have constructed 100 Houses
Side B :
We have redeveloped many roads within the village

Side A:
To what extend are you going to tolerate to provide jobs for the jobless youth in the village C
Side B :
We will provide 1,000 jobs, How many of the Village D people can be accommodate in your territory

This is how the communication should be. What is happening is different. Going back near to a garbage bin and pulling the waste of both sides.

The result will be bad smell to smell by the entire globe. That’s why I say, even on a small communication in this type, show characters. Give up. Forgive. Be brothers and sisters. Use the knowledge of both sides to win the world. Don’t try to defeat each other. If there is a quarrel defeating each other, That means someone make a very strong fundamental seed in the blood to fulfill their earning an desire.

Note : When prophet Moahmed Sallahu Alahiwasalalm said, to His companion that any of the property or belonging which you love most, and if you give it on to the poor, you will get rewarded.

Immediately one companion gave up his most loved and well worthy property to the poorer.

This is what required. Practice what is preached. The creator know’ s how to protect what He created. Our duty is to practice. Practice from our house. Let’s make good thoughts to our children. Let us make our house first.

No individual life can be found completely good in the past. So our days are present and future. Let’s take this present and future on best of spirits.

(Our countries were ruled years back, due to lack of efficiency and knowledge by our forefathers/rulers. Now if we the present generation have knowledge, use it in the best of spirits. Accept to gain knowledge from people who has knowledge. And win the world along with them & show them the correct path as well. Show spirit. Making rival’s every corner for nothing will not make us great even if we are great)

Now: Let’s take this communication to see how much as an individual we can tolerate in good way. I like to see someone say, yes me from country A willing to tolerate and give up this much. (No need to talk past). Country B, Yes I will give up this much for the betterment of both parties.

Shall we propose in this fashion and go further? Or talk again about who is right and who is wrong to benefit the politician and the money maker.