3 days before i went to change the front bumper in street 19, al amer garrage and transport. They fixed it but later i noticed the engine heat is nearer to the red. After a closer inspection i found non of wiring they removed isn't reconnected. I paid 900 QAR there, and additionally 450 to another workshop for reconnecting the wires like heat sensor, cooling fan, air bag. They also brocken my radiator pipe. What all i want to tell you thecost of repairing but also the quality workers in qatar. we cant afford rate of repair in the respective car outlets.
3 days before i went to change the front bumper in street 19, al amer garrage and transport. They fixed it but later i noticed the engine heat is nearer to the red. After a closer inspection i found non of wiring they removed isn't reconnected. I paid 900 QAR there, and additionally 450 to another workshop for reconnecting the wires like heat sensor, cooling fan, air bag. They also brocken my radiator pipe. What all i want to tell you thecost of repairing but also the quality workers in qatar. we cant afford rate of repair in the respective car outlets.