Your first consideration would be to look for a place within the vicinity of your school. This will save much time travelling. Contact some Real Estate agents in that area. They should be able to help you out. You should be able to get a two-bedroom apartment within your budget. If you are lucky to find one, inspect the place before you make the deal. In Doha the industrial area has been kept away from the city and all areas are pretty well-maintained by the Municipality.
Your first consideration would be to look for a place within the vicinity of your school. This will save much time travelling. Contact some Real Estate agents in that area. They should be able to help you out. You should be able to get a two-bedroom apartment within your budget. If you are lucky to find one, inspect the place before you make the deal. In Doha the industrial area has been kept away from the city and all areas are pretty well-maintained by the Municipality.