For the people of Palestine, you can make the following dua:
"اللهم انصر الأقصى وأهله وارفع الظلم عنهم وأعنهم على من ظلمهم وانصرهم على أعدائهم يا قوي يا عزيز"
Translation: "O Allah, grant victory to Al-Aqsa Mosque and its people, remove the oppression from them, assist them against those who wronged them, and grant them victory over their enemies, O Mighty, O Powerful."
For the people of Jammu and Kashmir, you can make the following dua:
"اللهم ارحم أهل جموع وكشمير وثبت أقدامهم وانصرهم على الظالمين وأعنهم على الصبر والاحتساب"
Translation: "O Allah, have mercy on the people of Jammu and Kashmir, strengthen their resolve, grant them victory over the oppressors, and assist them in patience and perseverance."
Remember, sincere supplications and prayers can have a powerful impact, so it is important to make dua for the well-being and relief of all those facing difficulties around the world.
For the people of Palestine, you can make the following dua:
"اللهم انصر الأقصى وأهله وارفع الظلم عنهم وأعنهم على من ظلمهم وانصرهم على أعدائهم يا قوي يا عزيز"
Translation: "O Allah, grant victory to Al-Aqsa Mosque and its people, remove the oppression from them, assist them against those who wronged them, and grant them victory over their enemies, O Mighty, O Powerful."
For the people of Jammu and Kashmir, you can make the following dua:
"اللهم ارحم أهل جموع وكشمير وثبت أقدامهم وانصرهم على الظالمين وأعنهم على الصبر والاحتساب"
Translation: "O Allah, have mercy on the people of Jammu and Kashmir, strengthen their resolve, grant them victory over the oppressors, and assist them in patience and perseverance."
Remember, sincere supplications and prayers can have a powerful impact, so it is important to make dua for the well-being and relief of all those facing difficulties around the world.