How do you remember these many ids and password..

Riya gupta is my real Name.. i am not affraid like you to share my details.. if you have dare you also share.. but you cant do that.. you have so many fake ids.. the best one i like rachel_crystal.. use some brain.. she is employee of crystal sands..

So they have committed me flight voucher.. which i didnt utilise so they converted into lulu voucher.. i already got half of worth and balance i will get this month..

Why it is coming on gulf gate website make me think more about your bad intentions.. you internet extortionist can go to any level.. i wish you are not involved in that.. but whoever involved must be fooled to do that.. and people reading and believing the same are brain less.. if you would be in there would you have posted your name on gulf gate website..?? So its done by Internet extortionist.. and this extortionist is fully trained..