I took exported my vehicle recently here is the latest process.

1. Identify a Cargo company in advance who can take your vehicle on a flat bed truck. I uses Alfares
2. Take your car to Fahes for a inspection. Tell them its for export purposes. They will charge you QR 150. This is not a full inspection and therefore technical inspection will say Failed and Legal Passed
3. After this take your vehicle to Industrial Area "Number Printing" section. This is one entrance before the Govt Service building
3. When you enter the building there is a Private typing section. Tell them about your requirement. They will type the necessary papers for Export Certificate. Once done take a token and visit a counter. They will issue you a Export Certificate and will give you new export numbers
4. If you're planning to send the vehicle immediately you can ask your cargo company to peovide the teuck drivers details. Passport, ID, DL and you can also ask the typing counter to give you a letter requesting to issue a Exit Permit. Once you have this letter the counters can issue you the Exit Permit
5. Once you hv the Export Certiricaye and Exit permit you are good to go.
6. Coordinate with the Cargo company date/time of vehicle picl up.
7. You will hv to provide the cargo company Your ID in UAE, UAE DL, Passport Copy, Export and Exit Permit, Inspection report
8. Once you receive the vehicle in UAE, take it for inspection and register