CID finger printing
i just had my finger printing done last 27.9.07 (thursday) when can i get the result? how would i know if i passed teh finger printing exam? what are they going to chek in this finger printing exam? anybody knows pls inform me.
Will they check my back ground in dubai since i came there or its just for their record here in qatar.
what are the other factors that could make me fail in obtaining the RP.
psl advise.
I think you might have already answered this by way of your question, have you been asked for a police check?
I am just about to accept a job in Qatar and am wondering if haveing a caution in the uk would stop me getting a visa?
I have been living in Dubai for 6 years so they may check there rather than the UK!!!
Any thoughts appreciated.
Only they will record ur finger prit on their data bank.If u have done anything wrong in Dubai and the Dubai gov. made an enquiry then.........
If you have a open visa anywhere in GCC,then your RP wont process and they may ask you to go back and you will be black listed.