Family Visa Problem related to Designation in RP
Dear All,
I need your feedback on the following issue.
My Designation in RP is Mechanical Engineer. However, Since I work in IT Department and my qualification is Bachelors in Computer Science I tried to change my designation . MOL has rejected it by saying not possible due to quota limitation for company (Tried to change it to computer programmer as suggested by MOL ). Now I would like to know if there a problem if I take my current contract which states as Mechanical Engineer to Immigration for Family Visa. FYI,I tried getting an updated contract (Revised Salary ) with Mech Engg designation which was also not attested due to Educational Qualification . I have an old contract with Mech Engg and attested.
Kindly requesting your feedback on this.
problem in min. of labor if your RP is not the same or similar with your attested qualification or related to your degree.