hi, i worked in dubai.in 2009 my employer file a cause against for absconding.i left my job bocs of unpaid debits bocos employer was not paying during recsation.so i left to india .so now iam planing to travel other GCC . is it possible can i travel to another GCC without any probs and my debit is ( 120000 DHS ) . SO i want to pay back bank while iam earning . please help me.
please reply as soon as possible..
thank you...
that is big amount so for sure the bank already file a case against you in the court and there is an order from the court is issued
if that happened usually u will not be able to come to any GCc ciountries cause they share this cases even a visa was issued later on when u do the finger printt they will find u
so , wht to do is ask one of your friend to check if there is a case order was issued in your name or not
after that see wht the bank requiremnt to close it
then u can come and work
thanx. bro but will u able search more information on this . it will be a great help
thanx. bro but will u able search more information on this . it will be a great help
thanx. bro but will u able search more information on this . it will be a great help
Hi bro, that was 2 years back. If the bank had reported your case, which is possible because that amount is huge then you are totally banned already. Do not risk yourself going back in GCC. Go to other country and learn from your experience.Good luck.
"Give your best in everything you do"
atk what you are trying to do is very risky....and i don't think it is legal, and I dont recommend it