Multiple Exit Permits & Visas
By sweetness and s... •
I'm interested in the issue of multiple exit visas. Is this option open to citizens of any nationality so long as you have your employer's approval, or is it just for UK/US employees or UK/US based employers?
Does anyone know the cost to the employer of a multiple-exit visa? Is there any government web site describing the conditions and fine print on this type of exit visa? (I went looking at and couldn't find any meaningful information myself.) Thanks.
You will not get a residence permit for Qatar without a job.
Applying for jobs from within Qatar may prove difficult and would probably result in a local hire contract without any expat benefits.
Just a tip, if you want replies to messages by e-mail, you should be accepting e-mails from the forum.
hello i want to know how possible is it to get a residence visa once you are in qatar.
presently am trying to come to qatar from nigeria, can you fill me in on this and i need the same help from any body.
kindly do reply me thanks.
My wife is from London ON. I have been in Qatar only for 14 months!! couldn't take it any more as there is no point from living here with these rediclious high prices.
We are going back but we haven't deciced yet where are we going to settle down! I guess either Toronto or Ottawa
what city are you from?? how long did you stay in qatar? I also want to go back home.... to my Toronto!!!
***make money and love! no fighting, no war!!***
This time I'm laying my hat in Canada :)
Good luck Privateer.............wherever you hang your hat
I have only one exit permit to make ... and for GOOOOOOOD
can't tell you how much I'm happy for that.
I wish all of you best of luck
Thank you for that privateer. Feel better now![img_assist|nid=6108|title=Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
500 is for multiple exists (span of 6 months or a years - not sure)
in ur case just get the one exit each time you want to leave. My company doesn't charge anything for these
Sorry-am I right in that you are saying every single time I leave the country-as a UK expat-I have to pay Q500?? That's nearly £70!! Have I got that wrong? As I was planning on going to Bahrain-once, Dubai-once and the UK-once this year which will not be happening if that is the case!![img_assist|nid=6108|title=Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
innocent until proven guilty is now guilty until proving innocent.
I like the idea to punish ALL for some people's acts!!!
Expats have only themselves to blame. There was a time when exit permits were not required.
Examples of people taking company loans, furniture grants, bank loans etc and then "doing a runner" has not helped the situation.
Only Love & Respect of Others Makes us Human.
This may exactly be the point which is missing. Rest is irrelevant.
I think the point is being missed here, why he hell should we need exit visas to exit the country, in any other democratic country this would not happen. This is not the middle ages and quite frankly one of the the worst type of Human rights abuse that can be carried out. Until they rectify this and the NOC, Qatar will be looked down upon.
Bitish and American need entry visas for Qatar.
Exit permits are necessary for them to leave Qatar when they have a residence permit.
With a residence permit, they do not need an entry visa.
If your on a British/US passport do you still need a multiple entry visa?
Here in Saudi everyone needs a multiple entry/rentry visa unless your Saudi/Bahrani. I didn't think the same applied for British or US nationals (maybe some other nationals as well).
Only Love & Respect of Others Makes us Human.
I raised my concers when this happened. No reply in return :-)
Following this asked for multiple exits. No reply ;-)
QHell, I am concerned at your comment "it did not work on the ground".
Did the emergency system in place not work?
If so, I can draw attention to that fact with QP. I am sure the HR Management would be very concerned if the system had failed to work and would implement steps to remedy that .
I personally did my stint on 24/7 for just that reason when I was in QP and we managed to get people out on emergency within hours, even when we were bleeped in the wee small hours. The permits are already stamped and just need filling in.
Only Love & Respect of Others Makes us Human.
Does he work for QP. I do not want to discuss my personal family situation with an outsider.
Thanks for your suggestion. Regards.
Agree and yes there is a procedure, but...
I have gone throuhg it once. It did not work on the ground. Thanks for your comments. Appreciate it.
contact Rami - he is a VERY good and professional guy. He will explain to you everything regarding to Visas.. and much more...
his mobile 545-2445
***make money and love! no fighting, no war!!***
Yes I see what you said but if QP can issue a single exit permit within hours why the multiple exit visa requirement. I am familiar enough with QP and its HR management to be sure they would issue a multiple exit visa if it was really required.
You can enter at any time on your residence permit
Only Love & Respect of Others Makes us Human.
I work for QP and needed/ still need such multiple/ re-entry visa to take care of my folks on emergency basis. I requested once the HR department, but was given no reply :-) I offered to pay for it, cancel my credit card. I do not have any company or bank loans either.
I enjoyed this status in Saudi. Six months multiple re-entry/ exit without any problem for SR500. It’s just unfortunate to find this out only after we moved.
I do not know whom to turn to? I only pray at this time. May Allah bless us with wisdom.
QP are able to issue single exit permits very easily and quickly at any time via the 24hr on call system. Why would you require a multiple exit permit?
Only Love & Respect of Others Makes us Human.
I work for QP and needed/ still need such multiple/ re-entry visa to take care of my folks on emergency basis. I requested once the HR department, but was given no reply :-) I offered to pay for it, cancel my credit card. I do not have any company or bank loans either.
I enjoyed this status in Saudi. Six months multiple re-entry/ exit without any problem for SR500. It’s just unfortunate to find this out only after we moved.
I do not know whom to turn to? I only pray at this time. May Allah bless us with wisdom.
As long as your sponsor agrees
The fee is 500 QR
I believe it is open to all.
Primarily, it is for use by those that need to enter and exit the country on a regular basis, irrespective of nationality.