Original Visa from Immigration
I went to immigration to get the original visa I applied for my mother. But the reception told me that I can print it from their website.
Before, they are issuing the original visa from the immigration. My question is if I print out a copy of my mother visa from their website, would that be enough for my mother to come to Doha without the original? Please help
Just Print it from moi.gov.qa
Yes she well come no objection now system change.only by net
Thanks to all
you may post in filex... most of us brought our parents, inlaws, brothers, sisters, relatives here... with the same procedures.
since we are both filipino and I've brought my mother as well...printout would be great.
You just need to submit the visa print out, original passport of your mother, certain fee, picture to qatar embassy through wide wide world express (DHL)...you may also ask DHL of what exactly the requirements.
Now the question is, whom do you believe? The reception at the Immigration or the experts on QL.
I think u can get it from the website only after printing the visa at least once from the Immigration office.
yes, that would be enough... because once she started processing the visa from the Qatar Embassy at your homeland, they will also check it in the system that the visa has been issued.
Yes or you can even give the link where your mom can print the visa.