Over stay penalty on buisness visa
hi my buisness visa is expiring on 30 th april.
I have some work to finish before i exit and come back on another buisness visa.
My question is what is the over stay penalty for buisness visa holder per day ?
Is there any govt. web site or number which confirms this.
I wish to overstay for one week, how much i have to pay?
I would suggest you go to passport office and ask the question. dont just rely on QL answers esp this very sensitive topic.
go to http://www.gov.qa/ > select English > click on Visitors > Visa and Entry Requirements > Exit Requirements.
... hope this helps..
the penalty is QR500/- per day
source: Qatar E-government site : http://portal.www.gov.qa/wps/portal/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjAwsDA39311CvIENXAyMfC18_S39jQwMDA_1wkA4kFcbenqYGRqYePgGBLkZGIBVgeQMcwNFA388jPzdVP1I_yhy3Pcb6kTmp6YnJlfoF2dlpzumKigD3zV_u/dl2/d1/L0lJSklna2shL0lCakFBTXlBQkVSQ0lBISEvWUZOQTFOSTUwLXchLzdfMjA4MDBPR0VVSlIxRTAyTDhNTjlPMzEwMDM!/?WCM_PORTLET=PC_7_20800OGEUJR1E02L8MN9O31003_WCM&WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/cnt/EN/1_Home/13_Visitor/1301_Visa_and_Entry_Requirements/130104_Exit_Requirements/