pls help me on this....
I already have my pataka, done with the medical.I am applying for a position in the airline company, the HR told me they will require me to go on medical. My question is are all companies doing this? Im under husbands visa why do I need to undergo the medical exams again? what will be the medical exams ill be taking?
In some cases, if your job is related to customer service or you have to direct deal with customer (like Air hostes, beauticians, waiters etc.) they might ask you to get Health certificate from Medical Comission. May be this is the reason. confirm with them & just proceed. Good luck!
the initial medical check up which is conducted before stamping your visa is a general requirement set by the ministry of interior qatar. But some departments like Qatar Petroleum, Kahramaa, etc. (same like in your case) are asking for a thorough medical check up. Suppose qatar government will not accept the expatriates having diseases like HIV (AIDS), Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis B & C (HBS/HCV). but they will not check your glucose (diabetics) or blood pressure. However in case of other departments as I mentioned above, they will check the over all physical and mental condition of applicant including any physical disability, Diabetics, High/low blood pressure (all accute and chronic diseases).
I hope this reply will be fruit ful for you
big needle in your even bigger bum LOL