Qatar Medical test for Visa
Have you ever noticed that the one who takes the blood samples( i am not sure he is a doctor or just a lab technician ) in Doha medical center checking facebook on his PC at same time he is taking blood with the other hand , its really amazed me .
have you ever had such an experience at the time of your medical test from Doha ????!!!!
The man that took my blood, did a good job, was attentive of his actions, and professinal, I do not care if he is checking his facebook between pricks....
The Guy doing the finger prints on the other hand, should learn that fingers only bend certain ways... saying relax will not change this fact!
hahaha i guess nothing is wrong with that...yeah as long as not doin it during workin hours or just make sure nobody is around when your browsing the net...or else pak!!! lolz...and awesome to know that...FB rules these days!!! ^_^
this is very bad situation , this shows how caring they are especially towards the labors where there is nobody to care about in this world