renewing my daughters visa
By skeptron52 •
me and my wife are same company sponsor we got married here in qatar and having one child born here in qatar, my problem is what is the new procedure to renew the visa of my daughter it will expired this coming june what is the necessary documents do i need to provide,please help
go to immigration with your daughter's passport, your pataka, your wife's pataka, get a from filled out (if your company has a mandoob, he can fill it our from the internet), picture of your daughter. renewal is easy, i believe 500QR per year.
You may first need to take an approval from Labour dept. BTW, what is your designation on your visa (mentioned on your pataka)? if it is Engineer or any other professional related then you can go directly to immigration and renew it. Good luck!
There shouldn't be any problem just try renewing your daughter's residence visa (?) at the immigration office. Try to prepare the necessary papers (i.e. passport copy with residence visa stamp - you and your wife, marriage certificate).