unfit housemaid
By [email protected] •
can anyone tell the next step if housemaid medical results unfit.
is there any exit permit required, is my presence required at airport immigration?
how to get back her visa approval to apply for other maid or it will be automatically return back after her exit?
its health issue. as I understood from our PRO, in case happened for company employee, he needs to exit (with exit permit of course),
his visa will be automatically canceled and the visa approval of same nationality can be reused as far as no RP is issued.
I m not sure if its the same rule for house maid.
you know Zackm the receptionist at immigration sometimes doesn't know which counter you are looking for so simply they will say no need just need to exit
Is it a health issue or a technical error of the department? How long has she been inside the country? You will have to cancel her approval and get another approval depending on the nationality preferences.
Before you send her back, go to immigration office and explain to them that she failed the medical and you want send her back. They can advise you if another visa application is required or not, the rules keep changing and immigration sometime give approval for housemaids for some countries at specific time intervals. So there might be a chance that they may not provide you with the same approval for the initial housemaid country and they may tell you to get a different one.
thanx zackm but i hired her locally without agency
she was on family visit visa
Bring the maid back to the agency and they will advise you the steps to return her back to her country. Also, your agency will provide you with another replacement maid at cost