Website was from when the school was GEMS managed, due...
British Stream teaching hours are :-
The school hours will depend on which school your...
Yes I am a teacher at AKIS. The work life balance...
The teacher housing at AKIS is excellent. There are 3...
Congratulations on getting a job at the school. Are...
Thanks for your comments and advice.
The company...
Thanks aak.
My flight has booked by the company...
Website was from when the school was GEMS managed, due...
British Stream teaching hours are :-
The school hours will depend on which school your...
Yes I am a teacher at AKIS.
The work life balance...
The teacher housing at AKIS is excellent. There are 3...
Congratulations on getting a job at the school. Are...
Thanks for your comments and advice.
The company...
Thanks aak.
My flight has booked by the company...