the Butterfly effect
Isurely believe that nothing happens in vain, or just for the sake it. God has created everything in order, though we might fail to see the wisdom behind things in most cases :)
I like chaos when I am sure that its outcome is planned by the All wise, All knowing. It gives me the sense of being "safely" at risk .....
Things are not what they appear to be nor are other wise, Edward Lorenz (1960's), created THE CHAOS THEORY,, it study the events that appears random but some how they are to be working under patterns with some common underlying theme and seem to be behaving randomly while they are not, One random act causes another, causes another, and at the end the pattern emerges.
the question is :
could The flapping of a butterfly's wings in China cause tiny atmospheric changes which over a period of time could effect weather patterns in New York ?
Could small actions taken in the past dramatically affect the future?
the Butterfly effect :
The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.
The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events.
So The term butterfly effect was applied in Chaos Theory to suggest that the wing movements of a butterfly might have significant repercussions on wind strength and movements throughout the weather systems of the world, and theoretically, could cause tornadoes halfway around the world.
In human behavior, one can certainly see how small changes could render behavior, or another complex system, extremely unpredictable. Small actions or experiences stored in the unconscious mind, could certainly affect a person’s behavior in unexpected ways.
The butterfly effect remains theory. However, it does seem a reasonable explanation for the unpredictability of events. It does suggest that even the smallest actions may have huge consequences for good or ill.
“The fluttering of a butterfly's wings can effect climate changes on the other side of the planet”
It is said that when a butterfly takes off in flight it changes the wind patterns for the entire world, imagine then what a human being can do. With one small change to our inner world we create an effect that ripples out into our outer world.
WHAT IF YOU COULD CREATE THIS CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE? If you knew this were possible, would you be willing?
That's a good idea and it explains how the whole universe exists because a tiny particle went too far from its anti-particle which caused a slight imperfection in the creation-annihilation process of matter from energy. But then you also have to stop believing in a creator. He is not necessary.
Can create a storm on the other side of the earth...
But a million innocent deaths do nothing for the conscience of man.
whilst i appreciate you're into butterflies i would suggest you put theories into practice.
i love gambling so i once decided to put coin tossing into practice, simple call, heads or tails. every time the coin was tossed i always called tails. my theory being the head side of the coin is heavier. in the end i came out in front.
given that a coin is much heavier than a butterfly the amount of tosses could've amounted to your mini tornado, again, i love my gambling.
i also decided to toss the coin higher, and guess what, it created rain.
in the end, i came up with the theory that gambling should not be treated as harem as it creates rain for the crops.