Deviant Websites
Got this from Dr. Bilal's page. DON'T go to these sites because they're not telling the truth about Islam.
Deviant Sites
This is a site to beware of. It is full of deviant Sufism. It has a page in praise of Qasidat -ul Burdaa. It claims that Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al Qayyim, Ibn Hazm, Al-Jazai’ri, Al Abanee and bin Baz are all Innovators!!
Among other false claims on the website are the following statements about Kashf:
Kashf (Unveiling) is a reality which refers to the miraculous knowledge of the awliya (Friends of Allah). Such knowledge attains higher levels than that of any other knowledge of humankind and jinn including in certain cases the knowledge of Prophets…
Thus it is related by one of the Imams of hadith whose word lies beyond suspicion, that "it is well-known that he (Imam Nawawi) used to meet with al-Khidr (as)" and converse with him among many other mukaashafaat
2. I
You should know this site so you can avoid its potential harm. This site is meant for new Muslims or non-Muslims thinking about Islaam. Judging from the home page you would feel like recommending this site to new Muslims.
But once on this site, a person is just one click away (literally) from sites which are steeped in deviant Sufi ideas. Also those sites have long articles which try to prove that Kashf, Tariqah, etc are all Islaamically valid. A person without sufficient grounding in the basics may fall into their lure or at least begin to have some doubts. Keep new comers away from this site and there is no benefit in it for 'old hands' either.
3. Sunni
Suffice it to say that this is a site which teaches the Nu Ha Mim Keller and Faraz Rabbani brand of Sufism
4. Living Islam
Among the false teachings of this site is the following example:
Sharî`ah, Tarîqah And Haqîqah
The Tarîqah or Spiritual Path which is usually known as Tasawwuf or Sufism is the inner and esoteric dimension of Islam and like the Sharî`ah has its roots in the Quran and prophetic practice.
5. The Modern
This site is similar to the above sites but more dangerous because its deviant Sufi teachings are not evident in the initial pages.
6. The Way to
Here's yet another site which does not reveal its true teachings until you are way inside the site. There are long pseudo Islaamic Articles with analogies like the one of a circle and its radii trying to prove their deviant ideas right.
To provide a glimpse of their teachings we have excerpted the following from their site:
Sainthood is a proof for Messengership
Sainthood is a proof for Messengership and the way or spiritual order (tariqa) is evidence for the Shari‘a. For a saint experiences with certainty of seeing the truths of belief communicated by the Messenger and confirms them through the witnessing of his heart and the spiritual pleasure he derives. Such confirmation is a decisive proof for the truth of Divine Messengership.
In another place they have posted the following articles:
Some Assertions Of Certain Saints
On The Doctrine Of “Unity Of Being”
What Does Knowledge Of God Is Different From Knowledge Of His Existence Mean?
The Nine Clarifications About Muslim Sufism And Following A Spiritual Order
7. Al
Rating: Deviant site
This is the site for Al Baz book publishers and not a full fledged site. However it has some extracts from their publications so it turns up on search engine queries for Islaamic terms. That’s how we came across this site. Also it is good to know about al Baz publishers so as to avoid buying some of their publications by mistake as their stated goals is ‘… to publish fine English translations of the Treasures of Islam; in particular the works of the great Muslim saints, with special emphasis on the writings and majalis [sessions] of the Chieftain of the Saints, Sultan al-Awliya' Hazrat Shaikh Muhyi'd-din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani, al-Husaini, may Allah perfume his resting place.’
Here’s an extract from one of their publications posted on the site::
This book contains the words of the Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice, the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the saints and the masters of direct knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have reached their spiritual destination, Allah's Gray Falcon, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah (Exalted is He), the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain, Shaikh Muhyi 'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husain…
8. Islam
This site claims to be about traditional Islam but promotes Sufism and forbidden types of tasawwuf
Deviant site promoting Sufis such as Nuh Keller and Abdul Hakim Murad. It has a lot of articles on refuting Salafees which Nuh Keller seems to have a zeal for.
They also promote Q magazine which is a tabloid that’s supposed to be Islaamic but has Sufi undertones.
The Official Site of the Murids of Shaykh Nuh Keller
Very flashy site inviting you to lessons in Tasawuff by Nuh keller Lessons are offered in the sufi path and tariqas
Tariqa Tapes is an online site dedicated to serving the murids of the Hashimi-Darqawi Order of the Tariqa of Imam Abul Hasan Al-Shadhili Allah be well pleased with him. Recorded darses available on this site are lectures given by Shaykh Nuh Keller
12. Our world by A.Bewely
Aisha Bewely has translated Adab al mufrad and many gems on Maliki fiqh on her site but sadly promotes Sufisim and group Dhikr. this is the newer version of her website but still promotes the same.
After the above sampling of some Sufi sites we are providing below a list only of other such sites.
Shia Sites:
Has content aimed at converting Sunnis.
Revert Muslims beware of this one especially!
Deceptive site trying to undermine the Tafseers of scholars like Ibn Katheer and Qurtubi and the real Methodology of Tafseer. Do not visit this site unless you have a very advanced knowledge of Tafseer.
Shia Tafseer
Not to be confused with which is an excellent publishing house
I rely on
"After 1249, although their western Iberian kingdoms were no more, Arabs continued to live in the Christian ruled kingdoms, working the land, constructing and decorating homes, villas and palaces. The 1492 expulsion of Muslims from Spain led to a similar expulsion from Portugal in 1497, but even after this, the cultural legacy lived on. The early 16th century court of Manuel I, for example, the ruler who patronized the first Portuguese voyages to India around the Horn of Africa, featured Arab clothing, Arab dances and music, and Arab style harnesses for horses."
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Echo/Brutus: I'll assume you are both being ironic concerning portuguese.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Thank you for referring the sites to me...Now, I will learn more about tasawwuff and sufism and then I will decide who is deviant...
I have to do my own research before coming to any conclusion, not just because some one says that..
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...
lol, what can i say labda.... im a bitch, hehehe... :P
Ooooooo mjamille, loving that B.I.T.C.H. hehe..
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
LOL Echo.. sure they don't...
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
QL should be on top of the list... :P
How could I. Of course everything written on QL is the absolute truth. Why on another thread I read that there's no way the Portuguese have any Arab blood in them...well, let me tell you, I'm convinced.
You forgot QL.. The knowledge portal..
Nonsense Britexpat, the only site on the web that's "gospel" is Wikipedia. :P
I think Aisha does have a point.. The internet is full of "misinformation".. Most people just go to a site and assume that it is gospel.
I am not saying that these sites should be avoided just because someone says so, but it should be a pointer in ensuring that we delve deeper and do thorough research when exploring a topic.
And here I always thought and were deviant websites....
Aisha: Saying that a site deviant, of a public forum, has nothing to do with being interested or not in topic, if someone thinks that thoose sites aren't deviant shouldn't he/she state their opinion?
Who's anyone to call deviant to a site? Shouldn't we be the ones that have to decide it?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
I dont understand why so many of you get on your high horses because info about websites that are better to be avoided has been posted. I think it is very informative to know about these websites so that I will not waste time on trying to get info or learn something. What is wrong with that? Why dont many of you, instead of commenting to something you are not interested in or does not conrern you, keep quite and let those who appreciate the topic say thank you!
Hereby I say thank you for the info.
"No one can force anyone to follow Islam! or their "brand" of Islam, except as per by the Holy Quraan and the authentic Haadith of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)."
Sajjadsa: That's why muslim girl can't marry non muslim man? Sorry but i disagree with you.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
jack of all trades and master at none...
are u implying that it's me making up names for PM?... I gave her one name only. I wrote MAJNOONAH not MUNAAFIQAH.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Will go and check it out - had been forgetting to look at your 'stupid jokes, only tell one per person please' site recently. If that's the one you are directing me to, it was up to about 300 jokes last time I looked. Well, almost! :D
Oops it isn't that one HAHA - gone to read the right one, now.
Long time no see.
A joke for you at the bottom of this thread :)
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
as far as I have seen Qtel is banning pornography and piracy. I havent seen any web banned for political or religious reasons in Qatar.
we can discusse about it, but I think it is not the same point than in this thread...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
who makes up names using your initials PM ...
well it wasnt me who was saying it but its becoming clear for me day after day.
no neeed to control the way you speak and think but there is a commonly accepted principals in among muslims that doesnt contradict between muslims but a few that was mentioned in the Quran several times and that is the taste am getting from your views.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
well well the issue of Islam is not as same as every topic it needs clear understanding and deep knowledge and people like bilal philips demonstrate that knowledge, herefore if he is giving a list of misleading websites he discovered and nasheedz is sharing with us what is the matter?
PM this is not the first time u disagreed with the majority of Muslims, i believe after observing your history on QL you have more in common with non-muslims then the muslims and that is really very dangerous. it has a name.
nasheedz it would have been better if you posted the recommended websites by bilal philips. too.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
This is pathetic!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Are you going through PMS? Go OD on some Advil! Maybe it will take the chip off your shoulder.
sad and pathetic intellectual protectionism.
What are you so scared of? Someone could read something and change their point of view?
Deviant websites indeed.
the recommendations are merely in an advisory mode.
PM you would know this - there is no complusion in religion, you are absolutely free to do as you please, yes there are guidelines some recommended and some strongly recommended. No one can force anyone to follow Islam! or their "brand" of Islam, except as per by the Holy Quraan and the authentic Haadith of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
Part of the Dawaah is also to Insha Allah be able to share your knowledge and guide others.
PM, this is about a specific post - not about having "an axe to grind".
WRT to "no- go" instructions - well these are there for you to choose - as part of our inquistive nature - I reckon these just shorten the learning curve.
Not reinventing the wheel - I say sums it up pretty much.
Many of us have given up actually doing research or reading books. We are too quick to Google and take as gospel ALL that is available on the internet.
This is the real danger. Yes, there are erroneous and misleading sites out there. The answer is to delve deeper and not take the first answer as always correct!
to many this information would function in exactly the same manner as traffic signals function to motorists and pedestrians alike.
Whether we choose to follow or not is an individual choice.
That to me is freedom of choice.
Not all of us can be master of various subjects and topics and there are many for eg Dr. Bilal Philip who are acknowledged in their fields.
- and I dont see any reason why everyone should start banging the poster on the subject.
As long as a Website is not censored by QTel, it must be right!
Dr. Bilal Philips is an Islamic Scholar , he is a revert. He comes on various Islamic channels and he is in Qatar for quite a number of years...working with Qatar Awqaf..i think Qatar Guest Center / Fanar.
He gives the Friday sermon in FANAR Masjid in English In DOHA and it is so beneficial to English speaking Muslims.
try telling that to qtel...
NASHEEDZ - can't you work it out for yourself?
who is Dr Bilal anyway?
This is proselitysm...
Advice people not to read can be understood as a form of censure.
Let people read and choose. If you were good enough to separate between good and bad, why the rest of us cannot do same?
PS.- You forgot
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
recommended sites if you are an adherent of Sufism?
doro - guess it's just a case of " I will tell you what's bad for you, and don't even think of finding out about other views because your feeble brain can't handle any differnt thoughts - you are weak!"
wow! - the internet being used to limit infomation and discussion - I guess tha internet scares some people.
Wonder what 'sparkley' I will get for offering this reasoned opinion?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Um... so the whole web is off limits? What about some good ones?
Jazakallah Khair