I'm full of HATE towards criminal leaders!!
In this part of the world, people wasted so much time unaware of their ability to change, unaware of how powerful they really are! Why waiting to reach the boiling point? Our ancestors weren't that coward!
I don't understand how come it is possible for a COMPLETE AND TOTAL LUNATIC to run a massive piece of land for more than FOUR DECADES! This is pure insanityyyy. He's been dangerously mentally damaged for such a long, long time.
OMG have you seen the corpses, the heavy weapon he's using on peaceful protestors of his own people! All the burning, the random shooting.. ahhh he's the worst of the worst.
FRIEDUNICORN- Gaddafi is a criminal who deserves to be brought to justice, but none of the imperialist leaders currently denouncing him have any standing to point the finger elsewhere. They are all complicit in wars of aggression and colonial-style occupations that have killed hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan and are implicated in all of the attendant crimes, including torture, rendition and indefinite detention.
The staggering hypocrisy of the US government is summed up by the fact that it supports bringing Gaddafi before the International Criminal Court, but refuses to sign on to the court and rejects its authority over Americans. It asserts the right of US officials to commit war crimes with impunity.
In the UN Security Council resolution against Libya passed Saturday, the US insisted on a clause declaring that people from countries not signed up to the International Criminal Court could not be punished by it for crimes in the Libyan attacks. American officials insisted on the paragraph to prevent setting a precedent for prosecution by the ICC of American soldiers and officials.
I would say YES, as the latest joke says "Arab leaders fear 3 things;Aljazeera Channel,Facebook and Friday".
Gaddafi and others have suppressed the people of this region for very longtime,thanks to the internet (Facebook) and Satellite TV channels like Aljazeera,Alarabiya and BBC Arabic,the mindsets are changing.
BTWm can someone answer me honestly, if the evnts win Tunisia and Egypt did not occur, will there be a Libyan uprising?
and can anyone tell me, if the events in Tunisia ang Egypt did not occurred, will there be a Libyan uprising?
FU ask the expats who were working in Libya as to how the conditions were there.
Anyone has updates about Gaddhafi?
And to think of it..the Pakistanis have named a big cricket stadium at Lahore(Gaddafi Stadium) after this man!
Suppressed? Or placated.
Are you saying Gadhafi is/was a benevolent dictator?
The man is evil and he was helped by the West. This IMHO does not make him a good leader; it shows he is rubbish; all he thought about was himself- rather like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
The Libyans were not sleeping they were suppressed.
Gaddaffi is one of the most successful leaders of our times. It's not his fault if Libyans were sleeping all these decades.
He has been for years and yet he was courted and forgiven by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown; simply because Libya had oil.
Gaddafi is an evil *wat no doubt, but he was courted by these hypocritical *astards and quite simply allowed to get away with murder.
Gadafi stated the Lockerbie bombing was pay back for an airplane that was shot down over Iran and Iraq? I will google this and get back to you. I am typing as I am thinking and remembering events.
Gadaffi has to go this is true; and he may die a Martyr but to be honest it won't be the 'brave' West that does it. It will be some brave Libyan that decides enough is enough.
Where is Tony Blair the supposed Middle East expert?
Most of the problems in Libya are from this mad deranged man; but I can say in all honesty the UK saw this, grabbed an advantage, ran with it and are now leaving it up to the very people who they abused and neglected to sort out.
Interesting thing on the news today; the UK government had to pay the Libyans to get UK citizens out of Libya. What does the Libyan ‘government’ have on the UK that we don’t know? Stinks of blackmail to me.
and HappyHappy is here to greet Ghaddafi :P
Happyhappy, I hope you are safe and well. We pray for you and all your Egyptian brothers and sisters.
I don't know why people are getting so upset by the number of Libyan protestors being killed by Colonel Gaddafi's regime.It just proves that British weapons are still the best in the world.
Well hell seems to be a good and comfortable place for this guy. He should be made to leave and spend time in a democratic country so he can get back to his senses
may be i sound different from U guys, but anyone can tell on this forum, Why not Qaddafi???
hamadaCZ, true. With all those loyal Libyan cabinet ministers, diplomats, and officers joining the protests against Qaddafi and his paid foreign mercenaries, this will be the only way out to salvage my brothers and sisters. God bless them. Insha'Allah they'll gain their freedom soon. Qaddafi must've made Satan shy from his appalling deeds!
Afriqiyah Airways the Flag Carrier of Libya has refused to take orders of Col. Ghadaffi...
Pilots were being forced to fly out Contract Killers from Africa.....
what happened in the neighboring countries made this man what he is now. If there are abusive leaders, are all protests should end up the same as what happened in Tunisia and Egypt? Is there another choice?
So every time a protest rise up, the leader should go? Is that the message being implied? If it is, them we should brace ourselves! More to come and possibly will reach the soil we are in!
I always remember how Ronald Reagan received overwhelming support for his bombing of Libya in 1986 – a bombing that killed Gaddafi’s infant daughter. Reagan called Gaddafi a “mad dog” and supporter of terrorism. Now the US government has to be prodded into expressing interest as Gaddafi is about to be overthrown and murderously clings to power.
While Reagan was in power, Saddam Huseein was the tyrant nobody cared about, and few even knew about because he was a US ally. You have to marvel at the ability of the corporate media to manufacture villains on demand and also quietly convert villains into benign “statesmen” if need be.
Spot on.
He is using Serbian pilots, not Libyans.
He has always made sure that the Libyan army is without ammo, because of coup d'etats attempts in the past.
I'm speechless, angry, and sad for the Libyan people! Qaddafi is a lunatic, disoriented, sadistic, schizophrenic, and wounded someone!
Dearest Libyan people, I have ONE hope to lift your suffrage quickly, only one hope for Libyan fighters, pilots, officers, and army to turn against Qaddafi instead of shooting and shredding your own flesh and blood with artillery and bombs. Hoist the flag of humanity and patriotism. You're maybe out of sight for being cut off the world now, but in our thoughts and prayers.
ISALE - I think the technical term is "FULL OF S**T!"
one day even these pseudo democracies will have their come uppance.
Cameron is touring the ME, peddling arms sales and then talk about peace and democracy.
LEGAL PAD - what about another fantastic success story of US democracy - Kuwait? How about the House of Saud?? Qatar?? How about all the authoritarian regimes around the world???
I have seen mental people,schizos,drug addicts,LSD abusers, but I haven't seen anyone like Gaddafi yet :(
He was threatening his own people that he hasn't used force yet ! and promised Libya will be another Fallujah ? reminded the activists of Tiananmen square fate !
I have no idea what kind of substance he is abusing,but it must be something unique ?!
Sylvester Stallone, please sort your mum out.She's gone mental again and is on TV proclaiming to be the ruler of Libya
Libya's Ambassador to Bangladesh Resigns...
I wish the Iranian people do the same!
I'll bet you, all the Arab monarchies are a bit nervous about this new people revolution.
The question is:
Everyone needs some kind of good governance.
Who is going too be elected in power?
A religious fanatic, or some power hungry leadership.
Take a close look around the globe, there is still many other nations that have not change a bit, still holding the same ruling families and leaders.
Basically, when the wealth of the nation is being wasted in vanity and not invested into its own citizens, people just get fed up...
Using helicopter gunships and snipers against your OWN people......they are the enemy now....Ghaddafi has officially gone mad.
On one hand you have the worthless life and liberty of the comman man...and on the other hand hand lucrative oil contracts. No wonder every leader caved in and turned a blind eye to his idiosyncrasies
A flamboyant joker with his flowing robes and bevy of female bodyguards, Gaddafi was famously branded a “mad dog” by one US president and has long been accused by the West of links to terrorism and revolutionary movements which are now finally catching up with him
But this changed when Libya renounced its weapons of mass destruction to secure an end to its international isolation and a rapprochement with western governments, keen to tap its oil and gas wealth and lucrative trade and investment deals and was a partner in the double standards practised by the west
Looking at what has been happening in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya the war zones of Afghanistan and Pakistan look so peaceful. Even North Korea and Myamar look so tame with the killings and butchery going on in the above four countries. By the way the show has just started and another few neighbouring countries are sure to follow like Syria and Jordan for a start.
dodgy ok thanks for the info :P
Panda - hate to break it to you. Heaven, hell, unicorns, elves, faries, Lochness Monster, Big Foot are in the land of the non-existant.
do you thing he is in heaven now? he is agonising slowly slowly under the eyes of whole the world
"no need to bring politics here"
You raised it. And for your information - at the end of the day, its all about politics!!!
Ice Maiden - spot on. Have you seen the photo of him shaking hands with Gadaffi in 2004?? The Middle East Peace Envoy?? I think I am going to be sick.
Please enlighten me about the funding and arming of Islamic terrorists, am interested.
Am well aware about him hosting and financing Carlos,IRA,Sudanese rebels..etc, but that dude has imprisoned ,tortured and killed innocent people who were attending morning prayers.
Wonder what Tony Blair has to say about his best friend Ghaddafi?
so I am right. Only I should have said "a bad puppet"
"but never done good for his country"
you do know the circumstances the brought him into power dont you??
Faith is a belief in something without good reason or justification
Libya was courted to stop it funding and arming islamic terrorirts around the world.... the oil contracts came after it pledged not to follow a nuclear programme and to stop funding terrorists groups. In the 40 years he has been in power, he has been on ok'ish terms with the west for about 5
American govt. and Gadaffi both are same.Both are killers.
One killed his own people other one killed another countries people.One man's decision and the other side a group of peoples decision those are selected by their own people.Gadaffi dictator of Libya ,America dictator of the world.....
Exile- sure I do. In particular - recent history. For Britain and the other EU states the uprising in Libya is a disaster. The UK government has cultivated links with Gaddafi as part of their efforts to win oil contracts for British firms such as BP. Some 79 percent of Libya’s oil goes to the EU, making Europe Libya’s biggest customer.
Libya has just overtaken Saudi Arabia as the third largest supplier of oil to Europe behind Norway and Russia. Italy imports 32 percent of Libya’s oil, Germany 14 percent and France 10 percent. Some 23 percent goes to the rest of Europe.
The popular uprising in Libya threatens to bring down a tyrant long courted by European governments and seen as a reliable partner who would ensure Europe’s oil supplies and invest the riches that his family had looted from the Libyan people in European banks, companies and universities.
your response?
Some of the people on this site are idiots. When something happens just blame the west or american or israel because they believe all the propaganda that is fed to them and its convienient to match their own twisted views.
Dodgy, I guess you must celebrate the deaths each day of the Libyians as it proves your theories...
Gaddafi is a puppet of the west??!?! You have got to be joking. Do you not know this man's history...
Xena - Gaddaffi as the puppet to the west has stated his actions are against Islamic terrorists (see USA). I see the US have killed up to 64 innocent civilian in Afganisatn through drone attacks. Perceptive please!!! What's the total now in Iraq and Afganistan??
Aisha, your post reflects many head of the states all over the world including him.
So afsal what is your point on this thread about Libya apart from joining the anti-american agenda.
I can't believe you are justifying the actions of Gadaffi and his people by saying other people have killed more. You are a sad, little man with no opinions of his own.
America killed more people than Gadaffi killed in libya.
Iraq,afganistan,vietnam,korea..........still people are dieing.Israel killed lot of Palestinians.....still its going on.Gadaffi will be eliminated but the attitude of America and Israel will never change.In Libiya Gadaffi is the problem but in America and Israel any government (democrat or republican) doing much worst than this person had done.Those Governments are elected from their own people.For making their people happy and safe other countries should suffer ?
too much negative things on board now. And thinking that I was supposed to transfer to that country by the start of this year?
Here is the text which I've received:
"Libyans are heading to Libyan embassy in Doha AGAIN TUESDAY 2/22/2011 @ 14:00 to fight for basic human rights and to stop the killing in Libya...please spread the word and please join in if you can."
There is a lot of people in cue, he must wait for his turn..lolz!
bombing his own people? OMG....
Aisha, I have to agree with you 100%:-)
How are you girl....
Flor, stop being so damn critical.... Aisha's first language isn't English
No fly zone is important to control Libyan Airforce to shoot on their own country men...
Tripoli International is also closed, or you can say Abandoned..
Yesterday Turkish Airlines flight going from Istanbul to Tripoli came back because No one was present at the Tripoli ATC Control Center.....
Libya has tribal system, and everyone is equiped with weapons, however the size may be different.
The Germans helped out on that one........ however again, both sides were armed.
Libya is not a civil war at the moment, its just a massacre.
well, how about spanish civil war?
Wasn't near to french and british borders?
The US Civil war took place 150 years ago!! No air power in those days, so the ability to respond quickly is not there. Plus both sides were armed.
This is different. This is a well armed goverment killing its own people who are not armed. Two Libyian pilots defected to Malta after being told to bomb the protestors and you ask why all the fuss?
in US civil war, none of western country interferes, why all the fuss for Libya?
I hope that the brave nation will help by themselves, and they will need not to look outside.
I'm sure NATO would enforce a no fly zone the same as they did over Serbia when they attacked their neighbours if requested by the UN or the Arab League.
I'm still waiting on the Arabs to do something. They always complain the west interferes in their business, now its their time to stand up and be counted in their own backyard.
GADDAFFI....u are good for nothing.wait and see how u will be hanged.
care of ur self and ur death ----- dont care about Arabs step
because bank will not save u from death
forget about arabs and their help, it is good to read for their stories only in books, but how about US & NATO, do they have some return for their investment if they interfere?
Yeah send George W Bush and Tony Blair to hell too! Lol
They are not weapons of mass destruction as we have become used to, but heavy weaponry.
The guy is nuts and someone needs to take him out now before more people get killed. Will the Arabs step up and help their brothers in trouble?
He is a Coward leader, and a Maniac tooo
in OP i love two words
1- Criminal Leaders and
2- Weapons of Mass Destruction
(btw, it's corpses not corps. And worst of the worst?). Just calming you down! Please take good care of your heart! Lol!
Nothing more dangerous than a desperate man in power particularly if he is on the verge of being stripped of that power.