How do you get your news/information ?
By Qatari-femme •
How do you guys get your news or information from ? do you rely on one sort of media ? do you for instance read\watch news in different language if you speak more than one ?
Because I notice most news media are bias, they either left or right, liberal or republicans, in general, leaning towards one side and not being centered and objective.
So how do you know what you hear or read is really true, do you really trust the media, or you go with your instinct ?
....Qatari-femme, it's certainly an advantage to follow the news in different source languages. That's a plus.
I would think the BBC is less subjective than other sources. iReport is a favorite of mine.
I am not sure about counting on one source.
However I do read and watch many news channel or newspaper.
CNN,BBC, NY Times, Qatari news paper, some middle eastern newspaper, le monde diplomatique, Reuters website.
...qatarisun, you're right again! the food won't stay where it should. But come to think of it, it would be a GREAT way to slim down?!
Watch the news while eating makes you lose weight...:))
...Qatari-femme, you must be slim already then...:))
...Back to the topic, do you have a favorite news source, you think is reliable enough to count on?
You wont know but in the long run others will see whats happening :)
C'mmon you guys news can't be that bad ?
I always eat while am watching the news :p nothing ever happened :D
right, Happy.. also avoid reading newpapers/watching news TV channels while your having your meals.. very bad for your stomach! :)
News hinder digestion, and generally harmful to your health...
.....qatarisun, very true. I don't get the news in early mornings, nor before bedtime. It's health damaging indeed.
Now i get the news by twitter , local internet forums & scrolling through Alraya newspaper online .
It really saddens me the way our local press have become.
Self censoring has become suffocating
It also saddens me that i got to read some Qatari writers columns in email instead being published in a newspaper!!!
In one year time, renown writers like Nora Alsaad & Faisal Al Marzoqi stopped publishing new articles & an on line local news resource (QANEWS) was shutdown
The shutdown of QANEWS had made a big vacancy for Qatari intellects to exchange & discuss the news without being prosecuted by others for their ideology
QF I like as well :D
Ah yes I am a pervert :D
....Qatari-femme, Colbert is not on my list, but Jon Stewart is sometimes fun.
Are you interested in an older similar QL thread to get to know other QLers opinions?
Thanks everyone.
and if you wana watch the news in a sarcastic funny way you should watch The Colbert Report or Jon Stewart
...There're sources less subjective than others. The jargon used in their coverage is one good indication of their affiliation.
Nice topic...
I always go where it happens. Chaos in Pakistan right now.
If you stick on to one news source you can never know the other side.
I get all the gay news I want here:
....they are very informative ;)
....Qatari-femme, I don't trust one media source in the sense that any news channel or website will always focus on issues and magnify those of interest to them.
I have to get the news from 3-4 different sources at least.
I go through 6 websites every morning, BBC, Times Of India, The Times, NY times, Gulf-times and Sydney Morning Herald..
Sometimes when I have too much time on my hands, I go through The Sun as well :P
Don't watch news on TV though. If I am fed lies, I don't know and guess I can never be sure.
Read different papers and watch different news channels. Then make your own decisions as to who is saying what...
DON'T just stick to one medium/channel..