Keys to Happiness

Straight Arrow
By Straight Arrow

Happiness is the only goal on earth that all people without exception are seeking to attain. Believers and unbelievers alike seek to be happy, but each party is using different methods.

However, only believers can achieve genuine happiness. All forms of happiness attained without a firm belief in God, the Almighty, are mere illusions.

The following are tips for the attainment of happiness:

1. Know that if you do not live within the scope of today, your thoughts will be scattered, your affairs will become confused, and your anxiety will increase. These realities are explained in the following hadith:

{When you are in the evening, do not expect to see themorning, and when you are in the morning, do not expect to see the evening.} [Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

2. Forget the past and all that it contained. Being absorbed in things that are past and gone is sheer lunacy.

3. Do not be preoccupied with the future because the future is in the world of the unseen; do not let it bother you until it comes.

4. Do not be shaken by criticism; instead, be firm. Be sure that in proportion to your worth, the level of people's criticism rises. Also, make good use of criticism in discovering your shortcomings and faults, and let it drive you toward self-improvement.

5. Have certain faith in God and perform good deeds; these are the ingredients that makeup a good and happy life.

6. If you desire peace, tranquility, and comfort, you can find it all in the remembrance of God.

7. You should know with certainty that everything that happens, occurs in accordance with the divine decree.

8. Do not expect gratitude from anyone.

9. Train yourself to be prepared for the worst eventuality.

10. Perhaps what has happened is in your best interest, even though you may not comprehend how that can be so.

11. Everything that is decreed for the believer is the best for him.

12. Enumerate the blessings of God and be thankful for them.

13. Remember that you are better off than many others.

14. Relief comes from one hour to the next. Indeed, with each difficulty there is relief.

15. In both times of hardship and ease, one should turn to supplication and prayer, either patiently contented or thankful.

16. Calamities should strengthen your heart and reshape your outlook in a positive way.

17. Do not let trivialities be the cause of your destruction.

18. Always remember that your Lord is Oft-Forgiving.

19. Assume an easy-going attitude and avoid anger.

20. Life is bread, water, and shade; so do not be perturbed by a lack of any other material thing.

{And in the heaven is your providence and that which you are promised.} [Quran 51:22]

21. Most evil that is supposed to happen never occurs.

22. Look at those who have more afflictions and be grateful that you have less.

23. Bear in mind the fact that God loves those who endure trials with steadfastness, so seek to be one of them.

24. Constantly repeat those supplications that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to say during times of hardship.

25. Work hard at something that is productive, and cast off idleness.

26. Do not spread rumors and do not listen to them. If you hear a rumor inadvertently, do not believe it.

27. Know that your malice and your striving to seek revenge are much more harmful to your health than they are to your antagonist.

28. The hardships that befall you atone for your sins, if you endure with patience.

By Ayed Al-Qarni

The Religion of Islam

By Dracula• 3 Jul 2009 00:18



mafee gir,gir,gir!

bebsi baas!

QLady and PM: "Geengeeak sawa-sawa" Part 2

turn off the lights!

and dont dare to spit watermelon seeds on QL's floor!



By KellysHeroes• 3 Jul 2009 00:12

But I brefer 7 Ub or Sbrite


By QatariLady• 3 Jul 2009 00:08

PM.. It seems to me like you take my posts as merely "argumentative".. I'll let this be my last word in this thread..

Sincerely, re-read my last 3-4 posts without misjudging them they might tell you something..

I can imagine how hard it must be to embrace a new religion and have your lifestyle and relationships affected..

you're not to me anytime..

By Dracula• 3 Jul 2009 00:05



take some bebsi and share the bobcorn!

this seat it's mine!



By george2life• 3 Jul 2009 00:02

Yes.... God is not a Joke.

Hence, Kindly do not reduce GOD to a Joke, with our petty and silly human egos..!!

By KellysHeroes• 3 Jul 2009 00:01

I enjoy it when new members start participating in a noticeable way

Let me get my popcorn


By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:57

Honestly, I don't think this thread should have been turned into a discussion of my faith and am sorry that it did. All I wanted to add is that I find it disrespectful and demeaning the way some Muslims treat non-Muslims. And I really don't think that is what Islam is all about. We shouldn't have to put down other people's beliefs to assert our own.

I'll try to let that be my last word here.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:54

George.. not funny and not insighful either..God is not a joke

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:52

I can't help but feel that God is often saddened by our actions.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:51

I guess this is where I should apologize or feel guilty that I am not reading the Quran in Arabic :-)

you don't have to feel guilty..I encourage you to go to Fanar Center if you haven't already..I'm sure it'll be useful.

"(I can read French fluently) and do not find what you are saying to be true"

I understand French too and the two languages share many similarities so the differences are rare but Arabic and English have totally different roots

By george2life• 2 Jul 2009 23:49

This reminds me of an instance....

My friend and I went to the fair: ‘THE WORLD FAIR OF RELIGIONS’. Not a trade fair, a 'Religion Fair'. But the competition was as fierce, the propaganda was loud.

So we moved on to observe...

At the JEWISH Stall we were given handouts that said that - God was all-compassionate and the ‘Jews were his Chosen People’. The Jews only, No other people were as chosen as they.

At the MUSLIM Stall we learned that - God was all-merciful and ‘Mohammed is his only Prophet’.

Salvation comes only from listening to God's Prophet.

At the CHRISTIAN Stall we discovered that – ‘God is love’ and there is 'no salvation outside the Church'. Join the Church or risk eternal damnation and cannot be saved.

On the way out I asked my friend, "Who do you think of GOD?" He replied, "He is bigoted, fanatical, and cruel."

Back home, I said to God, "How do you put up with this sort of thing? Don't you see they have been giving you a bad name for all these centuries?"

GOD said, "It wasn't I who organized the fair. In fact, I'd be too ashamed to visit it."

- courtesy Fr. Anthony De Mello

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:45

and to be honest at my age, learning to read Arabic is extremely difficult for me. I guess this is where I should apologize or feel guilty that I am not reading the Quran in Arabic :-)




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:44

Wow popcorn your lack of understanding really amazes me!! Almost like you're talking to yourself!

Igive up on more debating with you..

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:42

(I can read French fluently) and do not find what you are saying to be true.I can see where it is important for your argument, but I don't agree with you.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:41

PM said:" For 10 years and if I seem uncertain it's because I don't subscribe to the way maybe you or others interpret and implement Islam."

In ten years you should've been able to learn Arabic :)

but if you chose not to then you can be fine reading interpretations..

I understand in "Fanar Center" English-speaking Muslims gather every Friday learning and discussing Islam.. Have you been there?

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:36

PM :"I read many things that are translated and don't have a problem with it."

If you read only the translation you will not have a problem with it but if you understand both languages (the source and the target) you'll notice how translation does change the meaning sometimes. Apply it to 2000 years of translating and imagine the amount of changes that will appear..Probably you'll lose 90% of the original text.

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:35

and if I seem uncertain it's because I don't subscribe to the way maybe you or others interpret and implement Islam.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:33

How long have you been one? Was it since joining QL?

Seems to me, you are not a Qatari and you don't seem to be a typical Muslim. Most Muslims I have met and talked too can field an argument better then you.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:31

Christians don't believe they are changing the meaning. I read many things that are translated and don't have a problem with it.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:31

popcorn: " hence the number of copy and pastes. Very rarely do you see something from memory or the heart. If that is down to lack of education"

Scroll up my dear and see who's been googling, copying and pasting!

Still waiting for the answer that you don't seem to have

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:27

PM said :"QatariLady, when I was a Christian I didn't care what the Quran said and did not use it as my standard. And to be honest, the more I hear from some Muslims, the more doubts I have about them."

It seems to me that you're not sure what you believe.. For how long have you been a Muslim?

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:27

Speaking as somebody from the West and a Catholic (double negative points for me). The more I read about Islam and see what SOME Muslims are like, the less inclined I am to even give a shit.

Being here in Qatar and reading what is put by SOME Muslims on here has made me realise they themselves don't understand the religion, hence the number of copy and pastes. Very rarely do you see something from memory or the heart. If that is down to lack of education, as in their English is rubbish then I feel sorry for them as I would rather read bad English but know what they are saying is from the heart and not gleamed from google.

As I have said loads of times, I don't want to know about Islam. I know it is supposed to be a lovely religion but I think they need to re think their marketing especially here on QL as it puts more off than actually invoking interest.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:24

popcorn: "When we study the Bible the Priest always explains what was lost in translation and why it was changed. We are taught Bible in an old fashioned way."

how is the word "change" different from "alter"? you admit changing but deny altering.

popcorn: "We had them translated (just like Koran)"

Don't say like the Quran please because we have an authentic Arabic version that is the only reference that other translations are wighed against.

popcorn: "the Arabic from over a thousand years ago, the Arabic you don't know or understand?"

No love it's the same Arabic that we use nowadays to write books, newspaper, magazines, letters..

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:17

said and did not use it as my standard. And to be honest, the more I hear from some Muslims, the more doubts I have about them.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:16

Get your bloody facts right love before you show your ignorance.

We have not deliberately altered anything. We had them translated (just like Koran) so the vast majority could understand them. They were written in a language that is now outdated, it was translated so people could keep reading it.

What about the Koran? 123 versions/translations! So all these converts to Islam that you say are proud to embrace mean nothing to you as they don't read Arabic as in the OLD Arabic, you know the Arabic from over a thousand years ago, the Arabic you don't know or understand?

The Koran is not the be all and the end all you know. Christians find peace in their religion too but as we are confident in our religion we don't feel the need to spout like you do.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:15

popcorn: "Too late for that, you already have been and yet again you slip away from answering when you yet again show your lack of knowledge and debating skills"

No no don't get me wrong I'm not quitting this debate as yet. I was only referring to that post that PM found insulting..

I'm still waiting for an answer to my question on how you learn what is "lacking"!

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:09

PM: "Maybe that is hard for you to understand but believe me, Christians do not get hung up on validating their religion because they supposedly have a direct recitation from God that has been passed down without one single word changing."

The problem is when you accept that a few changes have been made you get the reader to wonder: How do we know exactly where the changes have been made and are they the only one?

BTW, in the Quran Allah says that the Bible and Torah were revealed in the same way as the Quran but the Jews and Christians have deliberately altered them.

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:07

Too late for that, you already have been and yet again you slip away from answering when you yet again show your lack of knowledge and debating skills.

Learn to win the battles and not the war.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:04

I think you have done enough in this thread, don't you? :-)




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 23:03

PM said: "This shows that you don't understand the Bible, how it was compiled or how it was translated. You imply that it is some flimsy document that has numerous versions with different meanings and thus some kind of false religious text."

No comment.. I really don't want to be argumentative and insulting so I'll skip this one

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 23:03

In fact, there is no point in anyone but ARABS being Muslims. How do you explain that there are authorized translations of the Quran?

Keep it up and see if you can turn more non-Arabs away from Islam; but I don't accept that,




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:59

PM said: "In fact, I am extremely disappointed as a Muslim to hear Arabs claiming that because I cannot read Arabic that I can not REALLY understand the Quran."

Sadly, it is true..You know how translations can change the meaning and over time we'll only find inaccurate assumptions and interpretations

The only way for non-Arab Muslims is to read interpretations but the original text must be preserved as it is

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:59




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:59

Maybe that is hard for you to understand but believe me, Christians do not get hung up on validating their religion because they supposedly have a direct recitation from God that has been passed down without one single word changing.

What's important about the Bible is the message it contains. It's not some pissing contest about whose book is the completely unaltered "word" of God.

Geez! I am starting to think Christianity looks pretty good again! ;-)




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:55

"Good idea..make sure you specify which Bible you'll refer to and written by which Apostle edited by which Priest modified by which Bishop translated by which clerk"

This shows that you don't understand the Bible, how it was compiled or how it was translated. You imply that it is some flimsy document that has numerous versions with different meanings and thus some kind of false religious text.

I think that is ignorant and disrespectful.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:54

PM said "I didn't see pcg state that the Quran is the "remains" of the Bible."

By the "remains" of the Bible I was referring to the scripture that is considered the Bible..I don't mean to insult but this is how it seems..If it's not the whole original Bible then it's only "remain".. Ihope this doesn't sound insulting because it's not intentional..

Those that I call "remains" cannot be treated as the Quran that YOU PM know is an authentic Divine Book that is worth more respect..

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:52

(all 40 of them) I never found it hard to understand the Bible and use it as a guide for being a decent person. In fact, I am extremely disappointed as a Muslim to hear Arabs claiming that because I cannot read Arabic that I can not REALLY understand the Quran.

BTW, I don't agree with you or any Muslim who says that.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:49

PM..I don't want you to argue for me but she might accept from you what she will resist from me..That was my point..

PM you said: "what you have posted is ignorant and disrespectful, but am hoping it was just ignorance "

What exactly are you referring to?

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:48

Bible. If she thinks that, then I would disagree with her.

What I see is her defending her religious text as Muslims do. I think we would probably be in a better world if everyone would stop trying to prove that their religion is the best.

Let your actions speak for your religion. Let them show you are a good, respectful person who can try to answer questions to the best of your ability. And for God's sake, do it without hurting or insulting others!




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:46

popcorn: "We respect the newer translations as they are still the word of god, it is up to us to learn what the newer translations lack."

How will you learn what it lacks? Do you mean you "invent" or "guess"? I cannot understand how you learn something that is "lacking"!

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:44

so I am not the one to make your argument for you. I think what you have posted is ignorant and disrespectful, but am hoping it was just ignorance on your part and not really an attempt to hurt Christians.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:42

popcorn..stop all the copy+paste pls as it dosen't mean to the reader any more that it means to you..filled with faulty translation!

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:41

We know it has been translated and of course some things are lost in translation but most of us do try and follow the original version even if we have to 'change' certain words. i.e. it was made gender friendly by adding he/she/they, instead of it being masculine. We know what was meant by that but it was made reader friendly if that makes sense and this is pointed out in Bible studies.

When we study the Bible the Priest always explains what was lost in translation and why it was changed. We are taught Bible in an old fashioned way.

We respect the newer translations as they are still the word of god, it is up to us to learn what the newer translations lack.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:40

We know this about the Bible, PM.. That's why it hurts when someone treats the Quran in the same way as the "remains" of Bible.. Could you as a former Christian explain to Popcorn here the difference?

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:34

of the Bible. It contains revelations from Prophets and historical narratives. The Council of Nicea simply regularized these and put them in a standard format for consistency without attempting to alter the meaning. But Christians do not profess that it is a narrative spoken directly by God. That is why it is not important to them to go on and on about how it has never been changed.

My understanding is that the essence of the Bible's message is unchanged. And I think when Muslim attack the faith of Christians in this manner we do more harm for our cause than good.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:26


Main article: Qur'an translations

Translation of the Qur’an has always been a problematic and difficult issue. Since Islam regards the Qur’an as miraculous and inimitable (i'jaz al-Qur’an),[citation needed] many argue that the Qur’anic text can not be reproduced in another language or form.[73] Furthermore, an Arabic word may have a range of meanings depending on the context, making an accurate translation even more difficult.[74]

Nevertheless, the Qur’an has been translated into most African, Asian and European languages.[74] The first translator of the Qur’an was Salman the Persian, who translated Fatihah into Persian during the 7th century.[75] The first complete translation of Quran was into Persian during the reign of Samanids in the 9th century. Islamic tradition holds that translations were made for Emperor Negus of Abyssinia and Byzantine Emperor Heraclius, as both received letters by Muhammad containing verses from the Qur’an.[74] In early centuries, the permissibility of translations was not an issue, but whether one could use translations in prayer.

In 1936, translations in 102 languages were known.[74]

Robert of Ketton was the first person to translate the Qur’an into a Western language, Latin, in 1143.[76] Alexander Ross offered the first English version in 1649. In 1734, George Sale produced the first scholarly translation of the Qur’an into English; another was produced by Richard Bell in 1937, and yet another by Arthur John Arberry in 1955. All these translators were non-Muslims. There have been numerous translations by Muslims; the most popular of these are by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al Hilali, Maulana Muhammad Ali, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, M. H. Shakir, Muhammad Asad, Ghulam Ahmed Pervez, A. Momin and Marmaduke Pickthall.[citation needed]

The English translators have sometimes favored archaic English words and constructions over their more modern or conventional equivalents; for example, two widely-read translators, A. Yusuf Ali and M. Marmaduke Pickthall, use the plural and singular "ye" and "thou" instead of the more common "you." Another common stylistic decision has been to refrain from translating "Allah" — in Arabic, literally, "The God" — into the common English word "God." These choices may differ in more recent translations.[citation needed]

Kanzul Iman is the name of the 1910 Urdu translation of the Qur'an by Ahmad Raza Khan, the scholar who revived Sunni Islam in the Subcontinent. The Sunnis of the Subcontinent are sometimes referred to as Barelwi due to him.[77] It was subsequently translated into English by Professor Shah Faridul Haque. Recently, it has been translated into many other regional languages and become popular on the internet. Kanzul Iman is regarded highly by Sunni Muslims.

SO......... according to Wik there are 102 translations of the Koran or we could say 'versions'. There are more translations of the Bible of course as there are more Christians.

As you said it was translated so other people could learn from it..........rather like the bible


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:16

popcorngirl: "Have you finished now or would you like to continue?"

Please go ahead

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 22:15

Not me, drac. I am happy (afterwards), because it is always before the next!

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 22:14

language that only a few could read so it was TRANSLATED. Just like the Koran has been translated."

How effecient was the translator?

The Quran was revealed in Arabic and is still in Arabic..Yes there are some translations to help non-Arab Muslims get an idea of what it's about but the official version in in Arabic exactly as revealed

By Dracula• 2 Jul 2009 22:07






By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 21:56

Ok will do munchkin lol

Oh dear Qatari lady here we or should I say YOU start again

First off, we all talk about 'versions' but it is not versions it is 'translations'. The first Bible was written in an archaic language that only a few could read so it was TRANSLATED. Just like the Koran has been translated.

The Saint James Bible translated in 1611 was translated because the spoken language in England was changing and the 'Christians' at the time needed to spread the word in the same language as the masses.

So, basically like any book that is TRANSLATED just like the KORAN, it is slightly different, as you pointed out the other night, some words are not recognised or do not exist. The Bibles content like the Korans content is not changed in TRANSLATION but some words are different.

Perhaps when you start quoting Koran etc you too should follow your lead and tell us which religious nutter you are following love as quite frankly you all spout different copies and pastes every day.

Have you finished now or would you like to continue?


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By verisimilitude• 2 Jul 2009 21:45

Do start a thread on Catholicism

I'd like to see how many Muslims would take objection to it the way that numerous QLers have taken objection to this thread...

It would be a good measure of tolerance among QLs schools of faith

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 21:45
Rating: 2/5

Key to happiness...

When other people leave you alone and do not try to tell you what to do.

this will prevent

- Misunderstanding

- Anger

- Frustration

- etc

and on a larger scale it will prevent




By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 21:42

PM..Human nature (what Muslims call fitrah) usually guides them to morality that leads to peace of mind..That's why even man-made religions have moral values

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 21:39

popcorngirl: "Fed up with reading about Islam. I am going to start a Catholic thread.

I need to prove how good it is and how great the Bible is."

Good idea..make sure you specify which Bible you'll refer to and written by which Apostle edited by which Priest modified by which Bishop translated by which clerk

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 21:33

who believe in God can ever attain happiness, because I don't think that facts bear that out.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 21:31

PM.. I wasn't commenting on the relation between belief in God and happiness..

Just a thought

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 21:30

or lack of it does not equate to happiness.

I am a happy Catholic thank you but I know miserable Muslims and happy athiests.

Happiness is something apart from religion.

Fed up with reading about Islam. I am going to start a Catholic thread.

I need to prove how good it is and how great the Bible is. It is far superior to any other book and if you read it you would all be happier and far more religious.

I am also going to promote the eating of Pork and the drinking of vast amounts of alcohol. I am also going to vote for women and men be allowed to wear anything they want, after all we are all consenting adults.

(Takes tongue out of cheek)


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 21:23

as well as Hindus and Sikhs. Are they Believers, too?




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 21:21

PM.. Believers doesn't always mean Muslims.. The Quran acknowledges that there are other believers even if they never heard of Islam..

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 18:07

real happiness. Happiness is achieved differently in everyone. I know people of other faiths who are secure in their beliefs and really happy. For example, my parents and children are Christians and have found real happiness in their faith. They are also not insecure enough to say that I can't find happiness as a Muslim. They accept my choice, and I accept theirs.

It's too bad you are not more educated and broadminded, Khalid. I suspect you are an unhappy person who can only find self-worth by putting down other religions.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By Straight Arrow• 2 Jul 2009 18:03
Straight Arrow

life is beautiful my friend

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 14:31

the ARROW is striking on the other side.. toink!!!


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 14:26

im not much of a talker, i mean i don't really like long conversation coz time for me is precious but thanks for your words of wisdom, i feel like the love inside me is going to burst, step aside a little coz it's aimed towards you.. :)

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 14:18
Rating: 2/5

Thats the thing, When a person tend to be somewhat selfish, he had many insecurities in life.. Things around us might affect our character, influence us from doing something bad... But bottomline is ,ITS INSECURITIES... Remember, if your parents thinks like you, for sure, your mother will take you back from her womb and never bear you at all...

One thing you can do is.. Try be as open minded as what others does. You must be sensitive enough towards others emotion. You must learn to forgive. YOu must learn to listen.. Always think that you if you have problems in life that makes you unhappy, remember, their are more people other than you who suffers much more than you are.. God had planned everything for us..

If something irritates you, then try persuade yourself to understand and do an open conversation to that person or group.( this might sound unreal to talk to somebody, but why not try RIght?)

Declaring oneself of audacity doesn't shows with age. It reflects on how you live your life, how you manage the challenges in life and of course ,how you yourselves were able to stand firm in the midst of Quandary...

Life is far more worst than Death, so live with it.. Its a matter of saying yes to good and no to Bad.... Meaning, itS a CHOICE not a CHANCE...


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:58

tell me zhy, what could really make a guy like me happy?

i'm the kind who changes his emotions on a blink of an eye, i'm trying to be happy always but there are things or instances that just irritates me sometimes and tends to become a racist deep inside I admit. I feel like im nothing though I strive to be someone. is there any place like a bible study group here? I'm a very religious person frankly speaking but I realize that I have personality problems regarding contentment.

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:50


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:40

i ment new friends not pinoy friends sorry

By kumaran_63• 10 Jun 2009 13:36

In our longuage:1)"Pothum yenra maname pon saiyum marunthu"

2)."Manathai adakinal Mahan agalam".

3).what ever we have it is enough to survile the life in the world.

4).If we control our heart desires, then we will be a good human in this world.

5).Controlling of tongue also leads for good happiness.

6).Self respect and respecting others also leads to happiness.

7).Avoid ego.

8).Accept all human being are equal.

9).Love all creatures in this world

10).Allways have a smile face

11).Dont be a male savaniest

12).Give equal rights to ladies

13).Listen your childrens speach

14).Ready to provide forgiveness

15).Be faith with your almighty.

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:36

yeah i already checked it, i dunno, im kind of unconfident meeting pinoy friends right now, bad experience. but i will try to follow your group hoping to know you later....thanks

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:33


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:31

You can join us on our acquaintance.. Maybe, Ms. Right will be there..LOL. check the Thread...


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:29

By cliking the link he might get into your heart...? and whats for other... waiting in Q....;)

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:27

you know zhy, im 33 years old and still single, lonely nga but your right, put god at the center of our life so we can overcome that loneliness and be happy instead

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:26


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:25

can't you just give me a place in your heart instead :)plssss

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:25


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:24

hahha, no arecel, i was just fooling around with zhy,

maybe because i haven't had my lunch yet and i can't find a store near my office to buy food, my vision is starting to get darker. anyway, we're all happy though your heart is aching

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:23

Im not holding my TEMPER coz I dont have any.....and my HEART is always OPEN.... you want to Join!! I give you link to my HEART THEN....ITs for free..


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By arecel• 10 Jun 2009 13:19

huh? ironic that the thread about happiness ended up in slugfest:-(....

usapa na...

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:19

ok tama na zhy, peace na, im hungry already, take care my friend

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:18

Someone is so happy to me today... He had his head blown out to anger... hehehheehe.. but anyway, He will be used to this kind of Environment...Goodluck to you CRIS.... welcome to QL..


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:18

you see, you can't even control your temper.

if you wan't to put god at the center of your life,

open the door of your heart first.

sorry i'm inside the office, quite cold here, are you?

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:16


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:16

seems the thread is started for zhy and cris... nothing to say... infact i am happy...

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:16


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:14


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:13

ok, miss reliyosa, give me that worst me how a good person like you can follow what you believe

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:13



" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:11


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:10

stupidity is sickness...ooohh

i wonder how you put god at the center of your life.

Thou shall not use thy god's name in vein

"Happiness is SATISFACTION...You cant be happy if you are not satisfied. Put God as the center of your life, forgive your enemies, pray to those who don't like you, open your heart."

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:10

Ahhh so you are on the sense side? thats why!!!.. so where did you get the Palengkera effect? does this one makes any sense to you? hhahahhaa.. coz you are one of them.. UHmmm.. let me tell you something... You are too young for AUDACITY.. keep trying... AND ONE THING.. hold your breath as you make post..You might get a Worst one!!!!


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:05

m on the sense side, which side you are?

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:04

Thinkers are doers....


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:03

Since Common sense is no longer common ,Its Rare.... which side you are?


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:03

that means b palenkera lang ang natitira dito sa ql.....hmmm...i believe you

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 13:01

Only the bRAve and the Sharp tongue stays here in Ql.. Stand firm Dude!!!


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 13:01

ah ok, so you're telling me that i'm stupid

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 12:58

If it sinkin your eyebags, then you dont need to read them... It was not intended for u anyway.. Its for the people who understand that Portion only!!!!


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 12:54

then keep that tagline of yours hidden coz it differs from the things that you are saying on your coment.

whatever kapatid, happy trip

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 12:50


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 12:44

Step 1. Pour a can of solvent cement in a small plastic bag.

Step 2. put your mouth and nose at the opening of the bag then inhale and exhale.

Step 3. wait for 2 minuits and your dream will come true

Step 4. be happy for the rest of the day.

Note: Do it regularly to achieve same effect

By tallg• 10 Jun 2009 12:41

"However, only believers can achieve genuine happiness" - that's both bollocks and insulting.

By bubbly1975• 10 Jun 2009 12:38

with all that has been stated...


***bubbly wonders where huckleberry is?***

By lilBoPeep• 10 Jun 2009 12:36

I just take Prozac! It makes me happy all the time! ;o]

Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 12:36

then you put at the bottum "failure is not an option"

By zhyiellha• 10 Jun 2009 12:28

well, these are just guides for us to be happy.. but on the other side... Fact in life is.. It is easy to say but hard to do, right? who says no to be happy? everyone wanted to be happy in life but the reality is --sometimes things happen to us with purpose.. It might be sadness or happiness .. Totally of it, its ourselves who decide how to live life!! Weather we have all the luxury in life but we cant be happy, some might find it, Its their means to be happy but deep inside their Hearts they are not. Some might not have everything but still they are happy in life coz In their own way, they are satisfied of what they have.

Happiness is SATISFACTION...You cant be happy if you are not satisfied. Put God as the center of your life, forgive your enemies, pray to those who don't like you, open your heart to welcome Love and Be humble- blessed are the meek and forgiving heart.....Period!!


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 07:18
Rating: 2/5


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 07:18
Rating: 2/5


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