Myths about American Muslims
This article lists many of the common misconceptions about American Muslims, wrongly believed by many Americans but also by many QLers (including Muslim QLers).
I found this article very interesting and shows how mainstream they are in the US (and how the media is fueling the phobia)
TFS, Uranus1. Agree with Britex.
And the moderates need to share more so others can learn and realize that people are very much alike across borders, religions, etc including the Atheists and Humanists.
on the upcoming election year of U.S. politics, expect an Islam bashing by politicians.
in the world but especially places like America, they naturally polarise, in the southern states there are over 200 different types of baptist!! what chance has a different religion altogether got of being viewed fairly.
Of course there are many sensible Americans who have kicked out the whole God thing and just live at peace with other humans!
I am not a muslim...
But article is worth reading for...
Hope to see peace out here...
I just came back from the US two weeks back after spending a month there among family and friends. They were all American Muslims born and raised in the US. They are as much as American as the average white American there. In fact, I noticed that unless one announces verbally that he or she is a Muslim, it is very difficult or rather impossbile to distinguish whether an American is a Muslim, Christian or a Jewish. All this is just media generated hype. In reality, Americans are just Americans..
great article Uranus-thanks a lot of sharing :)
There are good and bad in all socities, cultures and religion.
The media and governments usually need "bogey men" to keep the public focused on certain issues. This seems to be the time of the Muslims. In a few years time, it will be someone else.