O Muslims, fear Allah in regards to your post
I would strongly advise some of the Muslims to fear Allah and make tauba (repentance) in light of some of the statements that have been made on this site regarding Islam. Please remember that there are etiquettes that should be observed when discussing the religion of Allah. One of the most important of these manners is that we should provide proof for our points of view. These proofs should come from the quran, the authentic sunnah, the statements of the scholars, and the principles of the different Islamic sciences. Unless we are scholars of usul, our qiyas is not valid. It is unfortunate yet true that in most cases when the majority of Muslims post on QL about Islam they provide little if any Islamic proofs for their positions.
The danger in this is that it is HARAM (not permissible) to speak about Islam without proof. Haven’t we heard the statement of Allah in Suratul ‘Araf ayah 33 when He said:
قُلْ إِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ رَبِّيَ الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ وَالْإِثْمَ وَالْبَغْيَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَأَنْ تُشْرِكُوا بِاللَّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا وَأَنْ تَقُولُوا عَلَى اللَّهِ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are AlFawahish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allah for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allah of which you have no knowledge."
Please notice as the scholars of Tafsir have pointed out that speaking without knowledge is not allowed when speaking about Allah, His names and attributes, and His religion. Therefore this shows how vile and hated it is in Islam to speak about this religion without any proof. Also please note that this evil act has been mentioned in the same verse as shirk and zina both of which are serious sins. So I advise myself firstly and my brothers and sisters in Islam secondly to fear Allah and don’t say about Allah and His religion that which we don’t know!
Phillie: nice post, but i must also agree that the advise should be for all religions not only muslins, because God and Allah are the same ;)
I added some hadiths on another post of mine but the only reference i can give is that it's a portuguese panflet that was given to me at mosque, because site still under construction
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
something on QL. :)
You have a good sense of humor.
jazak allah khiar
He who dies with the most toys wins.
Religion again... gimme a break!!!
Well put.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
-Thomas Tusser
Majnoon I doubt a person in the situation you mentioned would post something on QL. :) If you want to expand the scope of my comments than even in the scenario you layed out, this person still would have heard something from someone and then could provide the proof for why he or she adheres to a certain point of view. Everyone has to do the best they can with what they've got. However I don't think my request is unreasonable. I think the other comments are a proof of that.
Ibrahim Fletcher
is reserved for those that have a good education and can read, otherwise they cannot speak about what they cannot read about. Or they must believe what they hear and hope that the person whom they are listening to also aheres to the rules.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
aaahhhh, the reverted......
but may I respectfully mention that Allah is for all people and all, not just Muslims, should take care when making sweeping statements about their Religious Texts (there's a lot of Religious Books about, right?)
"The word "Allah" is the perfect description of the "One God" of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims!
Is "Allah" only for Islam and Muslims?
[No! It is for All Three Abrahamic Faiths.]
"Allah" is the same word used by Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs in their Bible, centuries before Islam came".
As a non-Muslim, but as a believer in some Supreme Power which I'll never understand aka 'God', I sometimes think it would be nice if we could all understand that Allah = God. Not Mohammed, not Jesus, but GOD.
Occasionally I get the feeling that people are thinking Allah is a different Divine Being to the God that non-muslims refer to. This seems to create problems.
Language barrier and all that.
PhillyEagles...far be it from me to dissapoint.....
Jazak Allah Khair.. Well said.. and Finally.. Happy to see such kind of a forum topic..
Supernurse aren't we a bit sarcastic this evening. In light of your response I think I'll try to follow your lead. I guess reading comprehension isn't one of your super powers so let me break it down for you. In order to be a Muslim, one has to subscribe to a certain set of principles and ideals. Therefore if someone agrees to those principles, then certain rules and regulations are binding upon them. One of those rules was mentioned in the post above. I know that was a little complicated and I sincerely hope I didn't lose you but in case I did let me give a brief summary. This post was directed towards those who call themselves Muslims yet speak about Islam without any valid Islamic proof. I assumed (I know I should have listened to the old saying regarding assuming) that the readers would be sophisticated to realise that my point was to remind the Muslims that the texts in Islam take precedence to our own opinions. Sort of how doctors use medical texts and centuries of scholarly research as the basis for their opinions as opposed to the ignorant rantings of their patients or other people who aren't qualified to speak on certain matters.
So in conclusion, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughtful and enlightening comments. Keep up the good work!
That was a good post philly....It feels good to see such eye opening writings in social networking sites...It makes us aware of one's do's and dont do's in Islam.
Winston Churchill
Yes, please source your information and do not have an opinion!
Good post Philly, its a great reminder to all of us..thanks..