Obama too weak to make peace in the ME
The motion “This House believes that Barack Obama is too weak to make peace in the Middle East” was passed with a majority of 58% at the latest Doha Debates series yesterday.
Read more here - http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=357838...
Isn't this topic kind of pointless to debate about? Obama was not elected to the post of the President of USA to make peace in the middle east now was he?
American Presidents are elected to make troubles around the world and benefit from it, then be honored as the Peacemaker.
They can make debates on it but what can they do about it.
Funny how they blame the US for everything here, and then expect them to fix their problems?
be responsible for making peace amongst the tribes here in the Middle East??
Its beyond me why the West would even want the responsibility.
Its a lost cause, and always has been, correct?
I'm not talking about that whether he is capable or not . I just wanted to know what is the point of the debate? He was elected to run his country, not to solve middle east's peace issues.
Seems they're running out of topics to discuss at the Doha Debates.
Difficult to Walk the Talk......
ME issues are hard cored rooted in for centuries and not easy to uproot so quick. He needs more time and support.
i dont think so..obama is to create peace in middle east frist let him bring peace in his country for which he was elected.. an thr is no point in such discussions..really silly topic for a debate..