Qatar : The World's Highest Male/Female Ratio
Ever Wondered what is Qatar best know for, other then the Olympic ambition, the booming economy, the 2nd worlds largest Natural Gas reserve…
Well well, Qatar is also know to have the world’s highest male to female ratio. to be more specific, for every 2 male you have one female or something close to that, (1.87)
Does it reflect Immigration policy Discrimination??, since most expats are male skilled workers. The Ministry is very conservative on giving visa’s for females from non- privileged countries.(other then US, Canada, EU…)
Quoting wikepedia, ‘’Gender imbalance may result in the threat of social unrest, especially in the case of an excess of low-status young males unable to find a spouse’’quoting wikepedia,
… Qatar population is characterized such as to be the typical young male, skilled or unskilled, leaving his country, and without his family to seek higher income.
In a country where ‘’dating’’ does not legally exist. You are either married or single. You cannot share a house with a female mate or invite a female mate for a country visit. You will be facing the shari’aa law and deportation.
It seems with all the gas of the world, Qatar is getting all the latest technologies, facilities, the newest planes, but still... a no women's land.
I believe these numbers do not take expatriates into account. The ratio is way worse than that in Qatar.
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This weird male & female ratio is the result of discriminatory immigration policies and work compensation. Reputed employers like HMC also believe in cheating female staff at every level. There is discrimination about sponsorship, giving allowances, housing. Administration do not hesitate to ask for a bribe because they know that a single female cannot even make a police complaint against them. And to top it all, they expect females to work in the most difficult & dangerous situations with maximum working hours. The female doctors are given the farthest housing so that somebody rapes & murders them while out on attending a night call. And it is a policy with them because even if she complaints to the highest of authorities, they don't do anything about it except for threatening her of not giving a recommendation if she resigned before completing her contract long do you expect a female expat to last in this monstrous place?
^Yes, it has. Big time.
OhYahMal, yes, the ministry fears other Arabs. They have the language skills to get involved in local life, and unlike the "Western" expats they tend to make a long-term life here and agitate for further rights. You've seen similar in Kuwait where the government has been using any excuse to get rid of the "Palestinians", Syrians and Egyptians and replace them with South Asians. They don't want the South Asians really, the work is done much better and more efficiently by the Arabs, primarily because of language skills, but they also agitate for greater rights, which the locals don't want.
Sadiq, the difference is you can check the sources and facts of Wikipedia, good luck doing that with any holy book. ;-)
I believe these numbers do not take expats into account. The ratio is way worse than that in Qatar.
Thanks for the Info...
and Koreans are welcome
where is the data please.
with the influx of workers recently how has the ratio come down?
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
That's the old ratio, I did a study on this. The curent is 1.65
Click here for LOADS of Qatar info I♥Q <-- (Expat and Local Info)
There is a huge market for female workforce over here, the only obstacle is the ministry does not provide Visa, or Quota's for single working females as they do for men...There are certain Taboo's over single females coming to work, seems related to the oldest job in the world, understanding that Qatar wants a vice- free country,
I say when there is no vice in women...there is vice in men!! therefor unsurprisingly you will see lots of vicious men having weird behaviour...acting like they have never seen a chick in their life..
Ohyamal, non privileged includes arabs (except GCC) and lebaneese, Asia, africa and East europe, female workers are having tougher times getting a working visas. Mostly their having spouse or family sponsorship.
RED_POPE, do you mean: what is the ratio of male homosexuals to lesbians? Good question...there has got to be online research to provide an answer. If not, we could start our own research by asking City Centre shoppers to complete our questionnaire.
Why is the local ratio 3:1 female:male? Is there anything wrong with having less "shabab" on the streets?
I am another nice educated expatriate. Can that be enough? :)))
how bad
Haa I guess qatarisation ratio of 20% will solve hmm ya allah
"The Ministry is very conservative on giving visa’s for females from non- privileged countries.(other then US, Canada, EU…) "
Does the "non-privileged" include Arabs? Any logical explanation for that?
Well if yo're going to be fussy about it....:-)
Yess.....drunk men in Qatar are never at their best.
You're probably right that the majority of single men here are labourers, but there's still quite a lot single, educated, high earning guys here. I'd say the majority of men directly employed by my wife's company are single. Unfortenately they all live on site, but most of them come down to Doha on Thursday nights!
Ok let's breakdown the statistics further, these stats also don't break down marital status or income level.
I hate to say this but if you are a single female here chances are you are educated and making a good income (as most maids are usually married to someone back home), if you are a single man here you are probably a labourer making about 400 QAR a month, uneducated and spealing no English.
So my guess is that the actual rate of Educated single men to educated single females is pretty slim. Maybe less then the women.
I am the original MR Nice guy
Naaa, we just had this discussion before ;-)
So far I will be happy that there are nice men - Mr. Paul for example ;-)
If the statistics are true you shouldn't have trouble finding a nice and handsome man. Maybe your filter is too stringent. Or maybe you are looking at someone handsome and expecting him to be nice or vice versa.
Qatar is more like a transit lounge. Look for your perfect man where you probably want to settle down.
"Life is like a bicycle, if it's too easy - you're probably going down :)"
woohooo ... Mr.Paul is Mr.Nice Guy ...
But i'm nice, not sure about the attractive bit tho'
I wonder why it is so hard then to find some really nice and attractive guys...if there are so many, should be quite easy ;-)
These stats on wikipedia come from what would be considered reliable sources. I agree that it would have been better for the OP to quote these sources instead of wikipedia though!
Also it might only include those people with residence permits. THere are a lot of people here on a business visa or illegally.
you can just observe how a man's eyes feast each time a woman passes by...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
how people here in QLand will question the Bible, the Quran and the Tora etc. but good ol' wikipedia is sworn on as a good source of infromation.
I am truly scared!
Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt Abraham Lincoln
I guess young people drag it down as well - it's probably nearly 1:1 for under 18s.
I can see that it would weigh it out a bit, but I don't think it would bring it down to 2:1. The percentage of Qataris in the country is less than 50%, isn't it?
Actually it's that the disparities weigh out. Among Qatari Nationals there the ratio is almost 3 women to 1 man, wheras among expatriates, it's something like 5 men to 1 woman, if you don't look at nationalities, it ends up being about 2 women for 1 man.
What is the ratio of male homosexuals in Qatar? "Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"
Skanky's right - it must be much higher than 2:1!
No Wonder.....Gals of any type are of Great Demand in Qatar!!!!!!!!!!
"Many people quit looking for work when they find a job"
I beleive the gap between womans and mans is more like 1 to 10 or 20.
As a good example lets take the camps. in ras laffan there is more than 60.000 workers and females are about 1.000
In my company there is 4000 workers and theres only about 8 womans.
Go to the clubs and check the difference by yourself.
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
This is an old news. Now we can see some progress in reducing that ratio.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it."
something doesn't seem right with this.
if you are including expats, i would expect the disparity to be even higher. if you are not including expats, then i could believe it.
but even with that, i find it hard to believe since china's 1 baby policy has created a large disparity there.
but, maybe it is correct...
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
no wonder polygamy is booming here.. LOL
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.