Scientific Accuracy of the Quran amazes
This message is based on an article titled “Highlights of Human embryology in the Qur’an and Haidth” by Dr.Keith Moore, Professor of Anatomy and Chairman of the Department, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto, 1982.
Dr. Moore points out that the study of how the human embryo develops in the mother’s womb could not progress significantly without the use of microscopes. Microscopes were not invented until the 17th century C.E., and were not used in this field of study until the 18th century. Therefore, when Dr. Moore studied certain statements in the Qur’an on this subject, he remarked, “ I was amazed at the scientific accuracy of these statements which were made in the 7th century C.E.,”
The Qur’an in 39:6 states that God made us in the wombs of our mothers in stages. Dr. Moore comments: “The realization that the embryo develops in stages in the uterus was not proposed until the1940’s, and the stages used nowadays were not adopted worldwide until the 19th century C.E.”
Furthermore, he says: “The idea that development results from a genetic plan contained in the chromosomes, of the zygote was not discovered until the end of the 19th century C.E. The verse from the Qur’an [80:18] clearly implies that the nutfa (i.e.
the initial drop of fluid) contains the plan or blueprint for the future characteristics and features of the developing human being.”
The Qur’an 23: 12-16 indicates that there is a lag or a gap between two of the early stages of growth. How does that compare with modern scientific knowledge? Remarkably! Says Dr. Moore: “It is well established that there is a lag or a delay in the development of
the embryo during the implantation… The agreement between the lag or gap in development mentioned in the Qur’an and the slow rate of change occurring during the second or third weeks is amazing. These details of human development were not described until about 40 years ago.”
Finally, Dr. Moore concludes by saying that the agreement he has found in the Qur’anic statements ‘may help to close the gap between science and religion which has existed for so many years.”
The above evidence shows that the Qur’an must be from God as it claims. The Qur’an says that you and every human being should consider this book with care: {Had it been from anyone other than God, you would have found much discrepancy in it} [Qur’an 4:82]
j.pierdak......your comments been challenged back at another forum....check the links and response...
what disappoints you and why?
king khalid strikes again...
I thought you'd learn by now...son, i am dissapoint.
First of, I challenge any one who claims that the Quran was proven to be scientifically inaccurate to reveal his proofs, and none of these hoax proofs where you make up meaning to the verses of Quran, or use verses that is not related to the topic at hand and try to use them as proof.
An example to those who are ignorant and just want to comment is Miss X up there, where she used a verse that is talking about something totally different, and is not related to what the article is talking about. The article is talking about the steps of the creation of a baby in the womb of the mother. The verses mentioned in the article, which was 23: (12-16), are not the ones she used as a proof that the Quran was scientifically wrong, but she used another verse, 39:6, which is talking about the creation of mankind and the manner how each new creation passes by three veils of darkness ( the threefold gloom) { THE PLACENTA INSIDE THE WOMB, AND THE WOMB INSIDE THE ABDOMEN (so three layers of darkness Placenta, Womb, Abdomen)}.
However, in the verses MENTIONED IN THE ARTICLE [23: (12-16)] specifically the verses 13 and 14 that show that there is a lag in the development, and that is why it was mentioned in two different verses
[13] Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman).
[14] Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of creators.
To conclude, there are a lot of people like Miss X and Gypsy, some of them have no clue what they are talking about, and some of them know the truth but are still willing to lie and deceive rather than admitting the truth. AND NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO THEY CAN NEVER PROOF THE QURAN WRONG, ALL THEY CAN DO IS MAYBE FOOL SOME POOR INDIVIDUAL. what a pity.....
This topic has been discussed thousands of times before, and each time the assertion that the Quran is scientifically accurate is disproven. Please do a search before you start posting the same information.
It still amazes me that people think the Quran was the beginning of any knowledge. There was scientists before the Quran, as there continued to be afterwards. At the end of the 1st trimester the embryo is the size of a kidney bean and is visible to the naked eye. Any observations after that are completely plausible, as all you would need to do is look at embryos and foetus' at different stages in pregnant women who have died.
And here is the Quran translation of that verse:
"He created you from one being, then from that (being) He made its mate; and He hath provided for you of cattle eight kinds. He created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in a threefold gloom" 39:6
Sounds like the 3 fold gloom that is being referred to, is the fact he made one being, then from that being he made the second, and then from that the third was created. Not the literal stages of womb development.
very true girl8787 but are we muslims [by birth] are following our religion or not??
This is the main question for all Muslims
true khalid. there are many like galaxy, solar, mosquito,plants, sea etc..... Here the problem is not with the book or religion. The muslim community is not following or practicing this book.
i must say that due to the accuracy of quraan, many scientests convert to islam, because after long researches they realize that everything is written in the quraan although it was a looooooong time ago.