Simple tips to help you seize the day
1 Believe in yourself
At the root of most insecurity is the conviction that we must somehow be better than what we are in order to be acceptable, says Julia Cameron in Walking in this World (Random House). "Take pen in hand. Number from 1 to 50. List 50 specific and positive things that you like and approve about yourself. Self-esteem is an active choice, not a sudden given. We can choose to actively esteem our many positive traits, see that we are blessed and that we need not compare ourselves to anyone."
It's always the neighbours wife that appreciates us more than our own :-P
colt... This i will do :0)
Call the neighbour and ask her for the list of 50 things :-P
just wing it!
That is exactly what i am thinking! ;0)
Lis,ur wife doesn't want to write it on a paper for the fear that someone will steal u from her..
your wife loves you so much LIS.:D
I wish. I have just phoned back and she needs more time to finish number 1 ! :0(
LIS maybe she likes everything in you..not just 3..:)
my wife to ask her to list 3 things SHE likes about me and she says its not possible! :0(
no need to write..just put it in your mind & that would do the trick..
Things i like about myself! I cant think of any :0(
ok and if we get to doing that, when do you suppose we can work on our jobs?