Is it an interesting offer?
I got the following offer from Qatarian company and I'm not sure if it is good or it will not be enough to have a decent life in Qatar:
1 - Basic Service Fee: QR.24,000/- per month
2 - Housing Allowance: QR.4,500/- per month
3 - Transport Allowance: QR 550/- per month
Would you please advise.
Thank you in advance
I got an offer for working in a great group in Doha...the salary is 4.500 QR per month...I will receive a tansportation allowance of 400QR and car operation allowance of 500QR and the housing provided. i wanna ask if the salary is fine for living overthere...hanging out and doin' shopping. plz im waitting for ur answers thnx so much.
Thank you all for your comments.
This offer is for SAP HCM consultant position and I don't know if the same profiles are gaining the same package (My feeling is that the same profiles have a bigger package than this one).
Fyi, I have 11 years as experience in SAP with lot of succesful implementations in several domains (Oil, Industry, Healthcare, automotive and government).
Thank you all for your comments.
This offer is for SAP HCM consultant position and I don't know if the same profiles are gaining the same package (My feeling is that the same profiles have a bigger package than this one).
Fyi, I have 11 years as experience in SAP with lot of succesful implementations in several domains (Oil, Industry, Healthcare, automotive and government).
Thank you all for your comments.
This offer is for SAP HCM consultant position and I don't know if the same profiles are gaining the same package (My feeling is that the same profiles have a bigger package than this one).
Fyi, I have 11 years as experience in SAP with lot of succesful implementations in several domains (Oil, Industry, Healthcare, automotive and government).
Basic salary and Housing and transport allowance are not matching
Be careful
You basic salary could be QAR 4,000 per month as per allowance
as per salary you HA could be 14,200/month and 2,000/ month for TA
X check again
If it's 'double' than your current salary, accept it.
Housing allowance is way too low compared to your basic.
did you mean 14500, that will sound reasonable.
would suggest, go back and check again as they made a mistake with my calculations not once but twice
where i work minimum (start point)housing allowance for any one joining is 11000.
you will find it very hard to get some thing for 4500.
same again for transport allowance way too low, minimum lease for a small car 1700 per month
If it's higher than your current salary, it's good. If not, just stay where you are.
there is ppl living with ur transportation allowence as their total salary .. close your wallet dear . not good to talk how much you get . it is same like asking lady about her age
not fit for a managerial level
Proportionately low on housing and transportation.
Well what is your Job Description?
But saying in a plain view and that if your single, Its a very good offer.
But for the best answer and a Yes or No can you describe the job description.