Just curious...
By angel face •
Since I'm not there yet, I'm just curious as to when salaries are usually given to employees. In the Philippines, it's usually spread out twice a month, either on the 15th and 30th, or on the 10th and 25th of the month. What about in Doha, and if anyone can answer me, what about at the Intercontinental Hotel to be more precise? Thanks for the info.
usually get paid by fourt week of the month,, between 22-24 of each month.
Hmm, well I get paid every 2 weeks...guess it just depends on the company.
thanks. i just wanted to know so that it'll be easier to plan a budget. because here in the Philippines, since it's speard out twice a month, it's easier to plan budgets since the time interval is only two weeks. thanks so much for the info.
Monthly is the norm. Usually at the end of the month but its not unusual for unscrupulous employees to drag it upto 10 days into the following month.
I wouldnt worry about the intercon... they will pay on time.