offer from HMC
By braveqatar •
I got Job from Hamad Hosoital. They offering me 5,200 salary. Any one know what is the salary for Clerk in Hamad Hospital .Hamad provide family accomodation for clerk. please let me know the details. what is the salary details for clerk.
From Where did u apply for HMC?
From Where did u apply for HMC?
ur a very lucky person because hmc is officially not hiring for positions that caneasily be filled up by the locals.i trust u have heard of don't worry urself about the going rate for the clerk salary.just grab it! its already a very good amount. why are u still lookingfor accommodation allowance?local hires are not entiltled to that
could you plesae tell me how do you apply to HMC ... do you have an email or something ??
You got the offer already and now you are asking for the offer of a clerk from Hamad. Please clarify, as far as I know Hamad is not offering such amount (QR5200) for a clerk. If it is true then you are very lucky my friend, for family visa? No! my friend your salary is out of range.
There is new rule in Qatar in Ministry of Labor that they dont give family visa to the people whose designation is Clerk.