Salary at QAFCO to Indian for Sr. Engineer?
QAFCO Qatar asking for expected salary for 13 to 14 yrs Experience Indian engineer for post of Sr. Engineer at QAFCO. Engineer having 9 Years experience in Indian MNC’s and 4 yrs in Saudi Arabia Petrochemical experience.
Is QR 15,000 as basic salary with company accommodation, free medical, bonus, family status, air ticket etc general terms are okey or less?
How much shall be minimum basic or grass in QR or in USD to be expect in Qatar for Qafco or other same companies?
Too little, yes.
Too less...for an engineer with 14 years of experience. Too high for the poor English proficiency.
I think it is too less.........forget about other benefits and it comes automatically,,,,,,,so concentrate in ur basic things
Basic should be USD 9000 - 10000 + other facilities