Update of an Offer - urgent Advice is NEEDED
I have got an offer of 14,000QR/month plus benfit + 5,000QR for housing allowance, i have requested for a housing instead of allowance, the response was NO for housing but they increased my basic to 15,000QR ( Emplyer is Government IT Agency, Postion : Internet Systems Engineer )
Package Details :
* Basic : 15,000 QR
* Housing Allowance : 5,000 QR
* Transport : 1,150 QR
* Communications : 500 QR
* Utility Allowance : 400 QR
* Benfits : Medical insurance, Furniture grand, Car loan, eductional support "28,000 for 2 children", Travel tickets
Am single now, but might get married in a year, my Question is :
* Can i get a decent/good 1BED/Hall/Kichen flat with this allowance, a flat wich can i live in with my future wife ?
I did read QL claissfieds but it's confusing and am not sure if information is accurate .
Its seems this package is TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, so i would like your advice on the housing issue .
This is very good offer.
Just grab it . you will get house in the range of 6-7k for family.
Considering ur total package u could save 10k per month which is good enough.
If its a take it or leave it offer, you should take it. Its a good start. You can get two bedroom apartments for 8-9K monthly.
5000 = share a flat
1150 = toyota vios ? nissan tiida...
500 = do not call home country too often.
400 = less AC, enough shower.
15,000 = sure is enough for food+clothes+entertainment...depends on your standard.
28,000 = not amrican school though..../year ????
if you cannot take it, leave it !!