why exploitation is so high in Doha Qatar?
It is very sad to see that exploitation is so high here in Doha-Qatar. There is no any fundamental rules regulation about salaries and other work related issue here in Doha-don't talk about labour law, I have not seen much in action.
In this very expensive city, I have see people offering even less than QR 3,000 per month to some innocent and new people, while they are outside in their homeland without telling them all the reality of life expense here. The matter of fact is that you cannot get even a single decent room with attached bathroom with this salary, leave about eating and transport.
I feel that people are get cheated and stuck here with all those exploitation once they are here and due to KHRUZ law (exit letter) it is even harder to escape from this slavery. I feel that media and government should highlight the issue and try to help such people rather than to promote exploitation and slavery.
By the way I am talking about educated people, not about those labours.... some of these labours are even in worse condition than you can imagine.
Sometimes I feel very sad when I talk about these issues and to listen people response saying that it is their own people who are cheating their own country fellow.
Sorry to say that, there is fault from both side, I feel that Qatar has more responsibility to fulfill once the person has stuck/suffer here, rather than in their own home country. They should at least be allowed to leave this country on their own wish.
May ALLAH bless All Human Kind to realize human value and stop modern slavery/exploitation.
hi... Shaikh_007
Your website only show the price of things, rent and other expenditures in those countries.... what about the earning salaries... please compare those also.... people earning in pounds in UK where as here most of them merely get QR 3000 per months....
I hope you got what I mean...
Dear Shaikh,
i saw your website and is very reliable with the numbers.
Yes Qatar is cheap compared to other country (excluding the RENT, because in Milan, Paris, London the same apartment will cost you the half!!!!!!) but what is not appropriate here is the SALARY.
SALARY in general are LOWER then 12.000 Qr, the minimum monthly budget to survive!
Please do your homework before taking any decision, following website is very useful to understand the cost of living in Qatar, who ever is mantaining this site is doing a charity to the community:
Can anyone verify the information on above website how realistic it is?
what else is new, exploitation is everywhere.....
Yes, exploitation exists, but it is a law of supply and demand. Many people are blindly rushing to Qatar without doing their homework. They need to step back, assess the situation and only take employment if there is tangible benefit to be had.
It is not necessary for educated people to go abroad without informing themselves properly about the life in the Gulf (Qatar).
If they are educated they can do a relatively long search and find out prices of housing, cars, food and whatever else is necessary to live. It does not take a rocket scientist to evaluate the cost of living.
What they can't eveluate is the manpower agency helping them to come here and the fees and charges in their own country (which is generally borrowed from families) and eventually the job they will get.
I feel it is wrong to judge the guest country (Qatar) when the actual reasons for the exploitation are deeply rooted in their own countries.
You are corect. If these "Educated people" fail to do their research then they have no cause for complaint.
Did you Google it first?