Filing US Taxes for 2011 while working in Qatar.
I recently moved here from the US and was looking for some advice on how best to file my 2011 tax return from Qatar?
Are there any tax accountants locally in Qatar that can help us file or do we need to get in touch with a tax adviser back in the US ?
If we're short on options here, can we file online using something like Turbo Tax ?
I am also holding both American and British Citizenship so do I get to choose which tax code to follow ?
Help appreciated.
Turbo Tax is probably the most user friendly software. In addition there are a lot of website you could file online for free. The IRS website could link you to a site. If you didn't live in Doha for almost a full year you must file taxes. You are only exempt from paying income taxes contingent you made less than approximately $92,000 USD.
If you fall below the minimal income tax bracket for 2011, you might qualify to get some money back provided you have kids, etc.
If your a British citizen, you must file taxes online, but from my understanding they don't check the income you earned and you are exempt from paying taxes.
Sounds like you need a tax accountant in both the US and Canada. I don't think Turbo Tax etc would include foreign earned income exemptions (besides, you have to be resident overseas for 12 months and meet other criteria.) You also owe state and local taxes in the US, don't know about Canada!