How many days is the maximum?? I nedd advise urgetn
By nataraki05 •
i have a friend who had a visit visa which has a 1 month question is upon arrival here in qatar,the immigration officer will stamped a 30 days duration on the passport of the visit visa it possible to extend it further to another month in order to make it two months?
Thanks lyn for your generous answer..i will just add this query, how much is the cost of every 15 days extension of the visit visa?
yes u extend the visa bcz me also come here for business visit visa and my friend who help me to come here extend my visa for 15days then another 15days until become i am under hyundai sponsorship
Also?..can you extend the visit visa further after extending it for 15 days twice?..i mean how many days is the maximum to extend a 1 month visit visa?..
Thanks sherwett for your quick reply i really appreciate it...may i know how much it cost for the 15 days extension of the visit visa?..
Yes u can extend the visit visa after that month another 15 days.then extend it agin for another 15 days.
That what i did for my brother once.