Because gambling in any form (whether for fun or...
Wish they'd put it in Doha
Moon Palace (I hear alot of good things)...
what can I say scarlett, QL has a way of turning...
For locals:
Lose the 'not wearing a thobe,...
@mr paul, she's going to 'visit'. Unless she's and her...
that's 13k in your POCKET, and you're single. You'll...
I hope that whomever is hurt will be able to recover...
@thatguy, I'll take you in my 4x4 if you end up going...
How much is it? I promised someone I'd buy...
Because gambling in any form (whether for fun or...
Wish they'd put it in Doha
Moon Palace (I hear alot of good things)...
what can I say scarlett, QL has a way of turning...
For locals:
Lose the 'not wearing a thobe,...
@mr paul, she's going to 'visit'. Unless she's and her...
that's 13k in your POCKET, and you're single. You'll...
I hope that whomever is hurt will be able to recover...
@thatguy, I'll take you in my 4x4 if you end up going...
How much is it? I promised someone I'd buy...