you are giving away our secrets...
Most folks...
you aren't a are more of a monkey with that...
chocolate logs comments...
and smoke, you ARE my...
its a very rich cake so no way did they eat it all yet...
just the three of you guys...but no leaving them in...
there isn't a Doctor there...only consulatants...
I owe him a few drinks as it is...he's always the...
seriously...get some blood tests done. I know I sound...
I promised them a bit back that I'd make chocolate cake...
but you have to fight me for the icing bowl...
you are giving away our secrets...
Most folks...
you aren't a are more of a monkey with that...
chocolate logs comments...
and smoke, you ARE my...
its a very rich cake so no way did they eat it all yet...
just the three of you guys...but no leaving them in...
there isn't a Doctor there...only consulatants...
...I owe him a few drinks as it is...he's always the...
seriously...get some blood tests done. I know I sound...
I promised them a bit back that I'd make chocolate cake...
but you have to fight me for the icing bowl...