Realsome: Trying to show to nice to nice that his...
"Plato thats new information to me as Portugese having...
On that time, human rights didn't existed, it was a...
Logicsays: lol, like i say in my signature, only God/...
Nice to Nice: You mean those arabs that were trading...
"No one can force anyone to follow Islam! or their "...
Falling in place: I agree 200% with you
Only God...
nice to nice: injustice? we are talking about the 16th...
There wasn't Indonesia at the time, but a bunch of...
No, it belongs to us since the 16th century.
Realsome: Trying to show to nice to nice that his...
"Plato thats new information to me as Portugese having...
On that time, human rights didn't existed, it was a...
Logicsays: lol, like i say in my signature, only God/...
Nice to Nice: You mean those arabs that were trading...
"No one can force anyone to follow Islam! or their "...
Falling in place: I agree 200% with you
Only God...
nice to nice: injustice? we are talking about the 16th...
There wasn't Indonesia at the time, but a bunch of...
No, it belongs to us since the 16th century.