kate_n - you can buy Havianas at Nails (the mannicure...
Lol Dora - tell it how it is!!
Islaam4u - yet again, another 'thought provoking' (some...
Latest is that the tenants who live in the apartments/...
No no no - not at all. why should it????
Don't do it!! Or marry a millionaire with 3 months to...
Pig ear chews for dogs - really???? where? never seen...
Tattie Scones, Irn Bru, Batisse Dry shampoo, Pigs ears...
I did a 'defensive driving' course when I arrived here...
So................if 'God made us all exactly as we...
kate_n - you can buy Havianas at Nails (the mannicure...
Lol Dora - tell it how it is!!
Islaam4u - yet again, another 'thought provoking' (some...
Latest is that the tenants who live in the apartments/...
No no no - not at all. why should it????
Don't do it!! Or marry a millionaire with 3 months to...
Pig ear chews for dogs - really???? where? never seen...
Tattie Scones, Irn Bru, Batisse Dry shampoo, Pigs ears...
I did a 'defensive driving' course when I arrived here...
So................if 'God made us all exactly as we...