the problem with online discussions (as we have so...
novita i am not but the wifey is....sigh..thats what...
hi novita senti . i agree novita its better to talk...
lol..i forgot to add computer troubles. do it...
i whole heartedly agree with you ksa..Enough of the "...
hoku....amen..last month i made a trip to the big apple...
the corniche is a terrible place if you look at...
swiss..i am sure you will have a fairytale marraige......
hi senti how are you? i must have missed yesterday...
lan its true from top to bottom and funny from bottom...
the problem with online discussions (as we have so...
novita i am not but the wifey is....sigh..thats what...
hi novita senti . i agree novita its better to talk...
lol..i forgot to add computer troubles.
do it...
i whole heartedly agree with you ksa..Enough of the "...
hoku....amen..last month i made a trip to the big apple...
the corniche is a terrible place if you look at...
swiss..i am sure you will have a fairytale marraige......
hi senti how are you? i must have missed yesterday...
lan its true from top to bottom and funny from bottom...