First of all butterfly, I would not imply someone is...
Ok to all that have been following my trials with...
I am glad that you know my thoughts and you think my...
Beast 66 Sunny is a grown woman but coming to a country...
I wish it was so but no I am burden with a real sister...
Sunny was getting out of hand. She was sounding like a...
Is your comment or invite for Sunny, remember she is a...
Hi Sunny, I just got online and I see you up to...
Thanks for the help but I am handling Sunny! She is my...
First of all butterfly, I would not imply someone is...
Ok to all that have been following my trials with...
I am glad that you know my thoughts and you think my...
I am glad that you know my thoughts and you think my...
Beast 66 Sunny is a grown woman but coming to a country...
I wish it was so but no I am burden with a real sister...
Sunny was getting out of hand. She was sounding like a...
Is your comment or invite for Sunny, remember she is a...
Hi Sunny, I just got online and I see you up to...
Thanks for the help but I am handling Sunny! She is my...