I think I'm a lost cause...
Law 1 Never...
No time to read the above but was watching tv at meal...
WK - it can be done...
Another thing - Nic said...
jackmohan2007 is right. And drink more water. eating...
whyteknight said ...Somedays I just don't care what I...
whyteknight said "Educated or uneducated, everyone is...
If you get stopped, you should have a copy of your ID...
one_shot said I've read a study in 2001 about Germany...
Don't take it too hard. "Failure is success turned...
Sorry, dble postie. QL doesn't like me posting and...
I think I'm a lost cause...
Law 1 Never...
No time to read the above but was watching tv at meal...
WK - it can be done...
Another thing - Nic said...
jackmohan2007 is right. And drink more water. eating...
whyteknight said ...Somedays I just don't care what I...
whyteknight said "Educated or uneducated, everyone is...
If you get stopped, you should have a copy of your ID...
one_shot said I've read a study in 2001 about Germany...
Don't take it too hard. "Failure is success turned...
Sorry, dble postie. QL doesn't like me posting and...