I think I'm a lost cause...

Law 1 Never Outshine the Master
- This is for politicians only.

Law 2 Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies
- Erm... put a lot of trust in friends and don't use anyone. Stay away from people who seek to harm but otherwise, mind own business.

Law 3 Conceal your Intentions
- Dislike this and prefer truthfulness so that people are aware and can be prepared. But agree that discernment is needed. No need to blab unnecessarily.

Law 6 Court Attention at all Cost
- Dislike attention. Prefer to keep a low profile.

Law 7 Get others to do the Work for you, but Always Take the Credit
- Aww!! This happens so often and is so darn irritating!! Why should we take the credit for something that is not our work? Accept responsibility for something that is within purview and answer for it but give credit where it is due.

Law 8 Make other People come to you, use Bait if Necessary
- Don't have time to play games like these.

Law 10 Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky
- Nope. Find out what they are unhappy about and try to help if possible.

Law 11 Learn to Keep People Dependent on You
- Aww.. This is another irritating "law" - hey, who is this author anyway!!! ???

People should be free to choose to work with you or not. Free to grow and improve and contribute to the company. They should be given guidance as to how to do the job, that they become capable of taking over your job ... as if you're going to live forever :P - might kick the bucket soon, at least someone knows what to do to ensure continuity. Who gives a sh!t if they become better than you? It's better for you that they become better than you - you have another person to help you get the job done more efficiently. That translates to benefit to the company as a whole and everybody benefits. It's not all about you.

Law 12 Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm your Victim
- Not good. Allergic to liars.

Law 13 When Asking for Help, Appeal to People's Self-Interest, Never to their Mercy or Gratitude
- Can't do that. To thy ownself be true.

Law 14 Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy
- As above.

Law 15 Crush your Enemy Totally
- Feel like it but work to change things. Some people need training.

Law 16 Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor
- This one doesn't work, does it?

Law 26 Keep Your Hands Clean
- This one I totally agree with.

Law 34 Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated like one
- Another darn irritating "law". That's like waving a red flag in front of a bull! Prefer down to earth leaders. Pride comes before a fall.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.