thanks owen...ur such a friend......
sad abused child may not even know what...
escada magnetism...yummy......
too bad i have a work till 11pm... would love to join u... are u? are u joining us on thursday?...
1. Last time you kissed someone? an hour ago...
kinda new word for me...can't even spell it properly...
check this out simplestguy......
t'was following my parent's choice of my career and...
simplestguy just keep checkin on the events... to keep...
thanks owen...ur such a friend...
sad abused child may not even know what...
escada magnetism...yummy...
too bad i have a work till 11pm... would love to join u... are u? are u joining us on thursday?...
1. Last time you kissed someone?
an hour ago...
kinda new word for me...can't even spell it properly...
check this out simplestguy...
t'was following my parent's choice of my career and...
simplestguy just keep checkin on the events... to keep...