Myra, First time consultation fee is QR 500/- (if you...
@ahm and Jones. If you are using Metrash you just...
@Got fine, 6k is for signal that you broke and 500 is...
@Taller, kindly give the number.
What is your car number
We can't use our own car. Ban is still there?...
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, these last 3 days...
Thanks Jenny. I was looking for specialist because we...
Well i can't put anything in the title thats why i...
@sawon, you took long time in reply my friend. I i will...
Myra, First time consultation fee is QR 500/- (if you...
@ahm and Jones. If you are using Metrash you just...
@Got fine, 6k is for signal that you broke and 500 is...
@Taller, kindly give the number.
What is your car number
We can't use our own car. Ban is still there?...
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, these last 3 days...
Thanks Jenny. I was looking for specialist because we...
Well i can't put anything in the title thats why i...
@sawon, you took long time in reply my friend. I i will...