1)Women in islam have the right to make any conditions/terms in their marriage certificate.....They can mandate that the husband is not allowed to marry another woman besides her if she wishes...the marriage certificate/license is like a contract between two people.....write whatever you want in it, agree on it and live a happy life..lol

2)As I said millions of times.....Just because a person is a muslim does not nessecarily mean he abides by what Islam states......cheating is forbidden.....Doing something that results in the pain and suffering of someone is unacceptable.....It is a law in Islam......so if these men are hurting their wives and children by their actions, if most of it is negetive with no mentionable positive, then it is wrong.

3) If you believe in god and that he is the creator of all than you must be willing to let go of your ego and think for 5 seconds..........................God created us, he (subhan allah)knows us inside out, he knows what were thinking even before we think it........He knows what will happen until the end of time and with this knowledge is able to see farther than the human mind could ever percieve..............he has the over veiw.... the big picture.................so are we going to debate every single order he asks of us???...........Haven't you ever done something and then in retrospect wished you had done something else??well god already knows what is going to happen....He knows....We DON"T KNOW...why are we arguing

4) As for the 21 century...how's that working for all of you??
5) I agree with you that the first wife has no business being subjected to this and my opinion of women who agree to marry a married man is quite low....

Tell me What are the divorce rates in the west??
What about extra marital affairs??
What about broken homes ?
How is it all working out?

Qatarcat...what are exactly the rights we are missing out on....make sure not to confuse w3hat is in Islam with the malpractice of Islam by certain Muslims? lili.